Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

uS Gen. 3· IS· I willput enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy feed and her feed, it jhall bruife thy heail, nrul. thou fha/t br'Hife his bee/e. Gen. 17. 7· I will eflablifh my Covenant between me ~nd t~ee, 11nd thy feed after thee in their generations for ,;m ever!afhng Covenant, t~ be a . God to thee, and t~ thy feed after thee. Exod. 20. 2, 3. 1 am the Lord.thy CjBd which brought thee'out ofthe Laud of Egypt,and out of the houfe of bondage, thoujha!t have no othergods before me. 2Sarn.23. ). Although my hou(e be n~t fo w~th god~ yet he hath made with me an everlafting Covenant ordered 1n all thswgs andfur e. Jer. 3 I· 31,32,33,34. Behold tbe dt~yescQme,faith the Lord, that I will mlilk.§ a new Covenant with the houfe ofJfrael,and -wirh the houfe of{udah;not tiC cording to the Covenant which I made with their Fathers, in t.he day that I took,them by the hand to ~ring ~hem out of the Land of Egypt, which myCovenant they brak.§,although I was an husbandunto them faith the Lord. But this ./hall be the Covenant that] will mak,twith the houfe of lfriiel: after thofe dayes ft~ith the Lord, I -will put my Law in their inward parts, and write it in their he11rts, find will be their God,and they foal/ be my people;and they foal! teach no more e- 'Z!ery man hu neighbour,and every man his brother,/dying, k!1ow the Lord,fer they fhall al k,now mefrom the leaft of them unto the great eft of them,faith the Lord,for I will forgive thoir iniquiry ,and I will rc• ' mem6er their fin no more. Heb. u.22,24,2_). But ye are come to Mo1mt Zion,-·-and to Jefus the Mediator ofthe new Covenant.·- See thatye refuftnot him thatJpeakph. Heb.12.2. Ifa.42.6.7. Micah.5.)· Look]ng unto refus' the beginner andfinifher of Ot~r faith.-l the Lord wiLl give htm for a Coven nt ofthe people,for a light ofthe Gen- . tiles,to open the blind eyes.-A nd this manfhail be the peace, when th~ AJ!jrian jb~(i come l!l'lto our Land: ·