Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

LOOKING UNTO ' ' c JESUS From the Creation untill his firfi coming. 1he third BooJt CHAP. I. SECT. 1. ISAIAH. 4z.6,18. th e Lord rvill give thee for a Covenant of the people,- Beare ye deaf, and look ye blind, thatye may fee. Of Chrift promifed by degrees. ~~§:J'N this period, as in the former,we fha11 firfi lay .. down.the ObjeCl:;and then, direct you how to looJ:.. upon 1t. in the flefb. The Object is 'fefus, carrying on the work of mans fa\ Yation in that dark time befOre his COtning No fooner the world made , and the things therein; but man was created,th~t v,:~y might be made for God to thew his grace . in the falvation Qfhi5 r leer. And now was it that Gods eternal project, and counfel, and fore-knowledge, and purpofe, and · S de. ·