Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

' Char.t. Sed:.z. LoDking unto 1efus. Boqkiii. and to break firft to the world now fallen ! 0 dear parents! how would you have defpaired, if before fentence you had not heard this blelfed tydings ! 0 our firft parents upon earth ! where had you and we been, if this blelfed text had not been-? Come,Jet a ftarre upon it, write it ,in letters ofgold, or rather write it Qn the very tables of our hearts : . here is the blelfed'ft newes that ever was or ever iliaII be ; but for this we bad been all fire-brands of he!( yea, but for this c.Adam and Ev;, and all their fonnes and daughters that are now gone out oftCm world,had been fmoking and frying in hell -fire. Away with all grolfe miftakes , erroneous conceits,and as you love your fouls, yeeld to this bleffed - fenfe ! This it J or he J is one of that fame feed, and this one ofthat fame feed is [efm, andonely 'fe[m,and nonebutJe[m; andfor this fenfewe have thefe arguments. 1, Some obferve that this fentence is feperated from the former with a period or great ftop : however God goes on to fpeak of the feed of the woman, yet he fayes not, and that feed foal! ' bruife thy head; for fo we might have thought he had fpokenof that feed colh:Cl:ively as he did before ; but flopping there, an<! not repeating that fame word againe, he gives it, thus; it, or he fha/l bruife thy he11d, (i. )[orne individual perfon of tha_t fame feed, fome fingular one of that fame common feed of the woman fhall bruife thy he11d; as David alone of all the hoft of Jfrael goes fort-h to fight with Goliah, and overcomes him ; fo Chrift alone ofall the feed of the woman was fo to fight with the Serpent by his own power as to overcome him, and to bruife his head. 2. The Seventy in their tranfiations of this place (with which agrees the Chaldee Paraphraft) render it ao ro f, he] which needs muft denote fome Gngular perfon, or fonne of the woman; and the ra~her becaufe the feed fpoken of before is rend red n' mwa· to which if the relative had rightly agreed,'it lhould have beene , or n71l', and not dJ.m' ~ 1 Hereto we may adde, that to this it] or he] the feed of the Serpent is not oppofed as it was in the for- / mer ~entence; but the Serpent it felf, ~ne fingular antagonift; here IS ftngu lari.r (JJJ VoJA.<J. )(I'a, a duel,or a co;nbate of two, hand to hand; onely Chrift and the Serpent; he fh:tll bruife thy head, tmd t houjbalt bruife hu hee!e. .3. The br11ijing of the head doth plainly difcover this it, or T .. be