Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book III. Looking unto :J>tjm. Chap. x.Sed. z he is Jefus Chrift: for no~e can·bruife the Serpents head but onely God: the God of pei!lce (faith the Apoftle) foa!l bruife Satan1 R,om.t6••o. under yo11r feet jlJortly. Now there was none of the feed of the woman , that was ever God but onely Chriil: , God-man, manGod , bldfed for ever; and therefore it mufi needes be Chrifi -and onely Chrift that can bruife this Serptnts head: 0 ther's a divine power, 'a power and Vert1ae of God in it to bruife the Serpents hu1d; obferve but the manner of this Duel Chrifi 'treads on the Serpent ; and by this meanes he comes to have a bruife · in the heele; whildl: with his heele he bruifeth tne Serpents head; a wonderful thing that_ Chrlfr iliould lay at the Serpents bead with no other· weapon but onely with his heele; it were much for any man to il:rike at iwy common Serpent with a bare and · naked foot: rather would he take a dart, or club , or any other weapon; but with a foot to hruife .satans head (that great and fierce , and monil:rous Serpent) t h1s exceedes any mans power or any mans daring to attempt : hence it is that fome one perfon of more then humane i1rength muil: do this deed , and who is .that oftbe feed of the woman but onely Jefus Chriil:? 4· God himfelfin other places of Scripture doth expreffe!y declare that this feed here promifed is Chriil:, and onely Chrift, mark but where this promite is repeated to the Patriarchs, as '@en.11 ; 18. when theLord faid to Abraham, in thy feed fhalt all the N ati- : ons of the earth be blef{ed: and when the Lord faid to David, I ,!l~hron.I7,1l will raife up thy feed after thee, whichfhall be of thy fonnes,and Gal,3.16. ~a.9 z,6. J will flablifh his Kingdome; and you may fee it clear that this feed is Chrifr, and onely Chrifr concerning that promife to Abraham, the Apoftle fo interprets it, now to Almth.lm and his feed· were the pr~mifes made, he faith not, and to feeds, aJ of many, but as of one , and to thy feed, which u (hrifl : and concerning that promife to David, the Proph)t fo interprets it, He fhal/ ftt 11pon t he throne of David, and "on his /(ingdome to order it, 11nd to H11blijh it,--who is that? in the former :verfe, h'ist1ame is Wondc-rfu!, Connflllour, the mighty qod, the everlaflir:g Father, the Prince of peace, ( i) Chrifr, and none but Chriil:; for smto w a child is borne , and unto m a Sonne is uivm, &c. and who ii that but Jefus Chrifi~ "' · . 5. The aceomplifhment of this promife in Chriil: is exyreffe.- ly and dearly made out in the New Teframent. Was not}efus Chriil: