Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

----·----- Chap.r.Seet.z. Looking rmto JeftU. BooK III· ChriH: of the feed ofrhe woman, borne ofa Virgin? was not his heele bruifed, himfelfcrucified ? and did he not bruife tl1e Serpents head, break th: power and dominion of Satan? What faith the Gofpel .< for thio purpofe the Sonne of qod wa; manijefted, xJoiJ3· 8 that he might deftroy the work! of the Dive/, -.And the fevenry rettfrned '}gain -with joy, faying, Lerd, ewn the .Diwls are fub- Luk,to,t71I<I* jeE!: unto us threugh tliy Name, and he faid unto them; I be- 19~. held .!atan a; lightning fall from heaven; behold I give unto · you power to tread on Serpents, and Scorpions, and overall the power of the enemy, and nothing foall by any meanes hurt you. -And now is the judgement of this world, now foal/ the PrinceJoh.u. 31. of thu . worl.l be caft out.-And for a; much a; , children are Heb.:t..Ii • p.mak.frs of j!.efo and blood, He alfo himfeif lib.rwife took_ part of rhe [arne, that through death he might deft roy him/ that had the power of death, that i.J· the pivel. In thefe and many other places we finde this very promife fulfilled in Chrifr, and onely in Chrifr ; and therefore he, and ot~ely he is the feed of the woman (that Hu, it, or-he) that lhall bruife the Serpents bead. Yet I will not deny, but by way of parricip.ation this promife may percaine to the whole body of Chrifr; throvgh him that loved m Rom.s.37~ -1 we are more then conquerours,faith the Apoftle; we may con- · quer Satan though not i~ our own ftrength but Chrifrs ; And fo ' in a fecondary fenfe, by way of'communicationwith Chrifr , under rhis feed all the faithful are and may be contained; 1. Be- · ca~1fe the head and members ar~ all one bpdy, both he that fan- Hcb.:.u~ llijieth, an.d they who are fanllijied are all one. 2. Becaufe the faithful are called the feed ofChrifr, when thou foalt mak! his IC , foul an offering for Jinnc , he foa/L fee his feed. 3. Becanfe Sa- a. H ·'"~ tan doth not onely bruife the heeleof Cbrifr,but ofall the faithfull, all th.u will live godly in Chrift. {efr-u foal! [uffer perfeCfltion. 4· Becaule Satans overthrow by Cbrifr our bead is dif- T' , fufed to all the members, and the qod of peace foal! bruife .Sa-:. lllq.u. tan under your feet fhortly. In this tence many of theancit<ntR -16 and :noderne J?ivi~es do. e~te!'ld this ~ed to the whole body of om. .:~ ,Chnft: but pnmanly, ongtnally, efpectally,'Md properly, it beIon~ onely to Chrifr, and to none but the Lord Jefus Chrifr. He onely is the feed by whom the promife is accomplifhed. though the faithful alfo are the feed to whom and for whom the promife was macle. 6.What