Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.x.Sect.z. Looking unto j.efns. Book III. 141 of their foules. It is obferved, that the Serpent hath but one head but the feed of the woman hath tWo heeles, fo that the one ~ay be fome help, while the other is hurt; beGdes an hurt in the heel is far from the head and heart; and though it may be painful , it is not mortal. Indeed , Chrifts heel was bruifed, (i.) He was delivered to death, even to the death of the Croffe ; yet he rofe again from the dead ; neither had the dive! any advant~ge by his death , for as :angry Bees fl:inging once, make themfelves droanes, fo the Divel, now he may hiffe at us, but he cannot hurt us; by that wound which Chrifl: received at his death , he wounded all his enemies irrecoverably; the very fight it felfwas . Chriits triumph ; even then was the Kingdome of darkndfe ut- . terly overthrown ; fume , death , and Satan were-c-onquered , . and taken captive , and whatfoever might be br6ught againl.l: us , was taken away, as the leaf\:.bill, or fcroll. 0 bleffed riddle ! - Out ofthe Eater came forth meat, and QHt of the ftrong cameforth . fweetnej]e, In reference to this promife, thou .!halt bruife hiiJudg.l4 '1- , heel, Chril.l: is faid to be the _Lamb ]lain from the foundation ~ftl:e Rev.13.8.. world. Here•s good ne~es 6etimes. 8. Amongfi.whom was the enmity,orthis hoflile war? we finde . in the Text three Hofl:s,and three battels : As ---· 1. Betwixt Satanand the woman; · I will put enmity between thee, and the worr~<~n; ( i.) Betwixt' thee the feducer. and her whom thou haft feduced. This enmity is oppofed to the amity . and familiarity, which had been b~tween the. woman and the Serpent , and upon that account the woman , and not the ·,- named; not but that enmity mull: be betwixt the Dive! and man as well as betwixt the Dive! and the woman , bm becaufe the woman ha9 more tampcr~d with -Satan, and being deceived by Sat a~ was hrl.l: in the tranfgreffi.on, t,herefure is !heonely namedi I. will put enmity between thee and the woman. . · 2,. BetwixtSatans feed , .and the feed oft he woman· I will pttt . enmity , not onely between thee, and the woman, hut alfo be- . trmn thy / ted , and her feed . q. d. This enmity fhall not ceafe. with the dea[h of the woman, but it !hall continue to her feed , . and to her feedes feed eveQ to the end of the world. We fee to this . day how theSerpent and c;ervents feed are {l:riving and warring a- . gamfr the Church ; and .a wonder it is (conGdenng the ma~ice of· the enemy) that there is a Church upon earth, but onely. that: . T 3 we ~ - I