Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

--------- --·-·------:------------- J\lJc. 16,18 . llhr . :8 . 40, Booly IiI. Lvoking rmlo :jejtU, Chap.\ Sea.,. we have Chrins promife, the gates of hell foal! not prevai/e againft · it; and lo I flm with you tdwaye.r, even to the'encl of the Jl'orlcl. 3. Betwixt C'hrift and the Serpent; 0 this a bloody confliCi: on both Gdes; he fottl! bru~(e thy head, and thou fluzlt bruife hu heel. I. Be foa.fl bruife thy head; Chrifi iliall break thy power; thy po1¥er :_ (i.) the power ofthe Serpent, or of the Dive! himfelf; he fights not fo much with the feed, as with the Serpent . ifSatan be overthrown, his feed cannot fiand. 2. Thou jhai; Crui(e hiJ heel; thou ilialt aff!i8: him and his; thou {halt fail: out of thy mouth a flodd of perfecutions; thou ilialt mak!-warre rPith him, an~ all them which f«ep the Commandments ofGod; andhave the teflimony ofJefu.r Chrift. · :l have held you awhile in the explication of this firft promife,. and the rather becaufe of the darkneffe of it , and the much fweetneffe that is contained in it; it is full of Gofpeltruths , ftrike but the flint, a,nd there will fly out thefe glorious fparkles. · 1. ' Tbat a Saviour was promifed from the beginning of the worki. 2. That'thisSavioudhouldfreeall his Saints from fin , <Ieath , and hell' ; the head , and power of th'e Dive!. . 3. That to this end this Saviour {hould be a Mediator, for God would not grant an immediate pardon, but the promifed feed mufi firfi intervene. 4· Thlt this Mediator iliould be of the feed ofthe 'Woman, that is , a man; and yet fironger then the Dive! , in- ' dued with a divine power, and fo he is God. 5. That this man. God iliould according to his Prieftly office be a facrifice for finne, the Serpent iliould bruife his hee[, he iliould fuffer and dye for · the people; and yet according to his Kingly office he iliould O· vercome Satan, for f:e .fhould bruife his head. Overthrow his Kingdome, and make us more then Conquerors in him that loved us. 6. That this promife ofCbri£1: anq of our juftification is free; God of meere mercy, and free-grace brings fo rth this pro. mife , there could be now after the f..<tll no merit in man ; and e. ven now he promifeth remifiion offinnes , and life Eternal in , for, and through the Lord Jefus Chrifr. No quefri on bot in beliefof this promife tile Patriarchs and Fathers of old obtained l ife , glory , an~ immortality : By fai th theElders obtained a Kood report : by faith Abel ob~ained witnejfe that he was righteou~ ;_ ri.