Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

/ I6i ,. i:xod.6.~.·7· Gcn.~S.l ; •. J){l . 7r5 • Book 111. Chap. I .SeCt. 4 5. What are the good things promifed in t.his expreffur~ of the covenant? not to recken up the temporal promifcs ofriches, honeur , viCtory , peace , and proteCtion in a land of Oyle , Olive, and Honey, the great mercies ofGoa are exprelfed in thefe termes , I (/m the Lord thy Cj!id which bl'o,g;ht thee out of t-h~ land of Egypt, o11t ofthe houfe of bondsge. This is the great promiie of the covenant , it is as great as God hirnfelfe. That we may better fee it, and kflow it, I fhaH take tt in pieces; the gold ts fo pure , that it is pity the leaf\: filing fhould be loft. here God dekr~bes himfel£e by thefe notes, I. By his only, eternal , and perfect effeoce, I am the Lord. 2. By the plurality of per. fons in that one effence,J am theLord God. J uovah Elohim. 3· 'By the propriety his peopl-e have in Jehovah blohim, !111m the Lord th] God. 4. By the frutt of that propriety in reference to Ifrael, which ·brought 1hee out of the land oj Eg)pt, OHt of the houfe ufbondage, · I. I am 'fehovah : we-read th~Jt he appeared to Abr~tham, l[1Mc, and J(!cob by the name of God Almighty, but now he was Known to thelfraelites by his name Jehovah,/ am the Lord. Why; was it . not b.y that na_me th , t he appeared to Abraham 1f~tac and [Ae,ob? no ' no faith God; b-y my name Jehovah Wll! 1not k.nown to tht'/11. This hath @<?cafi{'}ned a queJlion , how can this be ? do ·we·n,ot r-ead expreffely that God faid to Abraham, I am the L1rd that brought th~e out of Vr of the C11!dee.r .? and againe 1 am the Lord God ofAbrah11m thy father, And the God tf Ifaac? how then is it faid that by his name 'f-ehovah he was not .know.1_1 unto them? This place hath perplexed many of the learned; but the meaning feemes to be this , that though he was known to the patriarchs by his name {ehovah, as it coriGfis of letters , fillables, and founds; y~t he was not experimentally known unto them in. his confiancy to performe his promife in bringing them out of the land of Egypt until now. This name {ehovah denotes both his being in himfelfe, an~ his giving of being , or performance to his word , and promife; thus indeed he was not known; or manifefied·to tht patriattdls; they only were fufiained by faith in Gods almighty power ; without receiving the thing promifed; it is faid of Abr11ham, that while he was yer-alive , Godgave him noinheritillnce in Canuan, no not ./o m11ch as to ftt hit foot en, JU he pron-:ifed that ht would $ive it tD himfor ll poJfeJ!i•n, and t~ hi.r feed c ajtf'l]