Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.t .Se~~4 . Rjur him; and no\V when his feed came t'O receive the .prom'ife * and to have full kinowledge' and experience of his puwer and go odnefs, then they knew the efficacy dfhis name Jehovah. So upon performance of further promifes, he faith, ' they ffi.all kn ow Ifa. 49,t,;. him to be 'fehovah,and thoufoalt f0ow that I 11m thl Lord. -· lCJ.) t,6. thertfore my people /bliil k._now my nam~ '. they foal! k._now in that day that I am he that doth fPeak.f, behold 1t 11 I. 2. I am [ehov11h Elohim ,his denotes the plurality ofperfons; God in delivering of the law,doth not only fhew his being, but the manner of his being; that is ' the three manner offubqfti ngs in that one fimple and' eternal being; ortfie Trinity of perfon 's'in that U nity ofdfence, the word fignifies flroitg, poient, mighty ; or ifwe exprelfe it plurally, it fignifies rhe a/mighties , or ~tllnigh-: t y powers; hence the fcriptures apply the general name, God, to che p~:rfonsfeverally; theFatherts God, Heb. I. I, 2, die Son is Go~ , .A a. io. 28. and the ho:ly Ghofi: is God·, AEI. S· 3, 4· Now God is faid to beAuthour oftbefe laws delivered in a covenant -way by Mofis- • that fo the greater authority may be procured· to them; and hence all law-giv ers llave ·endeavoured to perfwade the people, that they had th eir laws from- qoJ. . . · 3>· I am the hor,d thy qod·; herein is the propriety; and indeed. hete isltl!tl!•me.rcy, that God fpeakes thus co every faithfull foul , ! I am th'f God~ By this appropt:~iation God'gives us a right in him, , yea a polfeffiorl of him. t. A right in him; as the woman may fay of!iim to whomffieismarried, this rnan .ismy husband·, .fo may every faithfull foul fay of the Lord' . lie is my God. 2. A . po!feffio!Jlof him; God dotli not only fliew hiinfelf unto us, . but he doth communicate himfelf unto us in his holinefs, me rcy , - . ' ' . " truth ·, graceMd g<>odnefs; hence it is faid, we havefe/lowfoip r Joh;r; 3 ; w~tbtkfe ·Fatheran'dwith his Son 'ffr.u Chr:ft, andChrifi:is faid toRev,3.~o. , conte, a.ndfup·wi'th us; and to kiffe ut with the ki.ff es of hi.s mouth; Cant·l•I, :~ and ro be ni"aretO, us in all that we calf upon him for; furely this is Deur.4.7 _j the highefi: happinetfe of the Saints, that God is their God: when·they can fa-y this, they have enough; if we could fay, thi; houfe is mine , this Town , this City, this Kingdome , t his world'ismine, whatisallthis? 0 but when a Chriftlancomes · a~·tength, and fayes-, this God·that made·au the world is mine, tlii~is~l10ilgli, indeed this is the greatcfi: promife that ever was y: z ma@