Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

164 Book.Ill. ,. · LoDkingt~nto1t[us. Chap. I. Sea. 4 ,Exa,l.4.1 ~ . ' Jer.p .zo I:>f.q. 11 Pi.lOJ·J3.· made·, or ever ean be made to any creature, Angels or men· herein (if we obferve it) God gives hirnfelf to be wh~lly ours~ confider God e!feotially, or perfonally; Confider [ehovah E~ lohim, all is ours; God in his e!fence, and glorious attributes cornmunic~tes ,himfelf to us for good ; and God per[onally confidered, as Father , Sonne, and Holy Ghoft, they all enter into COVenant with LIS. 1. The Father enters into covenant with us; he prornifeth to be a Father to us, hence faith the Lord, Ifrael ism y Jon my ftrft borne; and again • is Ephraim my dear fonne ! is he a pleafant child? the tord fpeaketh as though he were fond of his children. as delighting in them, for fo it is faid , .the L ord tak,rth p!eufur~ in rhem·rhat feflr him : or as pitying of them; for fo it is faid like- ' wife , /ik,r as a father pitierh hiJ childrm, fo t he Lord pitJeth them that fea r; him. . - 2 , Tb.e Son is in 1:ovenanr wid1 · us, and fpeaks to us in this language , thou. 11rt mine;· how come> that about ? why, I have redeemed thee , I have called thee, by thy name, and therefore thou t~rt mine , ·this is Chrifts covenant with us; he brings us _ back to his Father, from whofe prefenre we were banifhed an,d: fets us before his face for ever ; he undertakes for us to take ~pall ~ntroverfies· which may fall out between God and us: he proIt mifeth to reftore us to the Adoption of fons; and not only to the )'!> ·'7·l<f, title,but to the inheritance offons,that we might /;e where he iJ, H b 3· The Holy Ghoft makes a covenant with us. By one offering he 1~ • 10 ' 14 ' 1 r' ktb perfeEied for ever them that are fanClified;whereof t heHoiJ G hoft · alfo is a witnejfeandaworkJr.---- This is the Covenant that i will makf with them; I will put my Law intQ their heart.r, and in their mindes will I write them. I know the Father isirnplyed in this, yet here is the proper work of the· J:Ioly Ghoft : what the Father hath pureofedforus from all etermty., and. the Son hath purchafed form in his time , that the Holy Ghoft effects in us , and for us as in our time, he· applyes . the blood of Chrift for the · remilftoA o£ finnes ; he writes the Law in our hearts; he cornforts us in our fadne(fe ;. he fupports .-lu in our faintings ; and-guides us · in.our wanderings. Now he that affects thefe. , things for us , and · in·. ou~; behalfe , lH! is therefore faid , to · make a Covenant· with us. Thus Elohim, God perfonally co.nudered, ,f.a.t~er, Son, andHoly.Ghoft are io covenan.t . with us. 4~ !h.!~ ·'