Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book 111: 1 67 the-latter fence it may; if b¥ condition we underftamf whatfocver is required on our j)a.llt, as precedent concomitant,, 0rfubfcr.. quent to the Covenant of grace, repentance, fairn, and... eoce are all con<iitiens; but if by Condirion.we underfl:and whatfoever i' reqttired on our pa-rt as tbe caufe of the good promifed though onely mftrume~tal, why then faith,.or beli~fin the pro~ mifes of the Covenant 1s t.he on ely conctltlon : fa1th and.()bedience are oppofed .in the matter of juftitication and falvation in the covenant, not that they cannot ftand together ip one fubjeet, for they are infeparably united; bu~ heca:uf~ they cannot ,conturre and meet; to~etber m one c0urt, as the .caitrl'e of juttification or fa lvatton. Now when we fpeak of the condition &f the : co~enant of grace, we intend fuch a condition as is among the , rmmberoftrue caufes; indeed in the Covenant of w0rks obedience is required as the caufe oflife ; but in the C<;wenant of grace, , thoughobe~ience-muft ac~om:pany_fait~, Y,et not obedience, but;. .Qndy faith 1s the caufe·of ~:ife contam:d>ID che Co.v.eaaht;. . 7'· Who wa$ the MediatourQfthtsCovella'llt? .tothtswe•di• · fiingui{b of a ~ouble Mediat.ottr, vi,;;,. Ty~i~{,and.~iritual, ~Mo-­ fes ~as a typt~al, b~t.C:hnft was the fpmtual ~e~tatour; and < be.r~n .wM u'vtofos prlv~k4ged ~bove all before hun ; ,he was the · Me4.ia.tour of the Ol4'T~-iftlen~, Cbritl :r.eferving himfelf to, be: : the Mediatour of a bctttr (,:ovenAnt, (i.)roftbeNewiefiament.-. tJ'vt{}fes received the La.w £rom God, ,and delivered it to the peo- Htb.s .~ ' pie, and fo he 'ftoo<l as aMediatour between God and tb:e people; . n~ver was mortal man fo near tQ God as M{}(es. was; Abn<ham ,ind.<led. was called Gods ffiend ; but tMofe s: was Gods fa vo~ri'te; ~cl_never was roor~al; m;iAi eiJ:her in kno.wledge; Jove, or autbor,j. ty fo near unto the people as M1{eswas,(wbich makes the Jewes (0 wonder) to idolize him to th~s very day ..'vlof6 W-as utHed,:in as ; a Mediatour on both parts, . 1 . . On Gods part, when be called ; him up to receive the Law,and all thofe mcffag:es.which·God.(eal! · - h~m to the ~eople. 2. On the peoples •p:u.t, when tfrey dcliued btm to rewve the ~aw' for they were afraid by reafo-n.of rue fire; \' j • and durfi·not go up Into the Mount;marJd!Ow he l.hles himfelfas · · a Mediatour, .at that time, (faith he) Iftood bet•wmu the Lml D · Wt ~ " · r.nd you to jhew you th.e word of the Lord · ,he,·Gods mout:f:t ·-w' ~o them,_and be was their mouth to God; . ~nd>· t¥ was a pr-e-vail- ' 1og_ Med1~ou~ , on . both : p~r~; ,he<·p):'Cvailed '!GG-d\for; the . · fufp~nd-.-