Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

z68 Book. III. Lookiniimt"o -1efm. fufp~hdirig of his juO:ice , it_ ~oul~ not ·break out upon the people, and he' ·prevatled wtth the people to binde them in Covenant unto God , and to make profeffion of that obedience · which the Lord required and called for . yet for all th!s, I call him not aMediatour of redemption, but r~lati­ 'on; A.: great de'ale of difference there is betwixt t.Mo/es and . Chrift: as, r. Mofes onely received the Law, and delivered it to the people, but Chrift our true Mofos fulfilled it 2 . Mofes broke the tables, to £hew how we in our nature had bl'oken the raw but Chrift our true Mifes repaires it againe. 3. iWofes had th~ LawQnely writ in tables of ftone, but Chrift writes it in the ca. bles ofour hearts. -4: lMofe.s was meere man, but chrift is-God as well as man: U'vlofes was onely a fervant ,in Goas houfe;.but Chrift is_ a: Sonne; yea, 'C'hrifi is L6rd of his own houfe the Cburch: -Mofes mediation was ofthis ufe, co £hew what was. the tr~e manner 6f worfhippi'ng G9d,but he did-not infpire force and power to fol1o-w"it / he cou!(hot rt!eoncile --mento God_as·of himfelf, andtherefore iDappeared that there was need)ofanother reconciler, viz. . the Lord]efus chrift. - ' · . - 8. What ofChrift, and~of his deai:h do we 6ndci in-this mani- {¢!\ation of :the Covenant? I anfwer, ·x. 'In'delivering the uw-we finde fumethingofchrift; tl1ereis -aqudlion whetherrhe Lord _bimfelf immediately in his own perfon delivered the Law? arid fome conclude affirmatively from the preface, God JPak! theft J?cut. f.l%, words,andfaid] and from that paflage of Mofn, theft words the Lord fPake Hnto ali •· your aJTembly ~n the M ount 011t of the midft of the fire,- and he wrote them on two tables of ftone, 1md delivered th'em· unto me. But 'others are for tile negative, ' and fay' this proves not that they were pronounced or delivered immediately by God, for we finde in Scripture that when the Angels were the immediate perfons,yet the Lord himfelf is rf{'orted to .haveJpoken unto men , Gen. rS.2,1 3.Exod 3.2,6,7. And Auguftine i~ refolutte tha:t Aimighty God himfelf in the time of the .A I. T . l Old Tefiament didJlOt fpeak totheJews with his.own immediate 2 :~/ rm•. · voice, but onely by Chrift, or by his Angels, or by his Prophets, AC!.7.f i ._ and for this -minifterial voice of his Angels fome produce thefe Gli.J ,19 texts who have received the Law 6y the ordinance of Angels, 11nd have not kfpt it, and wherefore thm ferveth the Law? it 'JM-1 11dded 6mtufe of mm[grrffiom till tbe feed foou/d come, to whoT~J