Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

------------------ L&oking rwto Jeft14, Book HI· wh~m the promife w.u m.tde, .ud it w.u o,.Jti4ed hy Angeli i" H.b.1.2, the hand of a Mediatour. And tf the word fj;o/z."n by Angels was fteadfrifl, &c. For my part it hath puzled me. at times, whether of thefe opinions to take, but others fay (and I am now ·· a9apt to joyne with them as with either _of the fo~mer) that Jefus Chrift the ~cond perfon of the Tnmty, to be mcarnate, who is called the Angel of the Covenant, Mal. 3- I. and · the Angel '-of hiY prefmce, !fa. 63. 9· was he that uttered and delivered tne Law unto Mo(es; and to this purpofe are produced thefe te&es, A a 8 thu Mijes_uh~ that was in the G_on~regation wi:h the Angel, wh!ch Aa-·;:~9· jpak.§ to htm m. the M ount -!tnm. Now thts Angel :vasChnft, as it is cleared tn the followmg verfe; whom (or whtch Angel) Dur fathers would not obey, but thruft him from them, and in their hearts turned back,.again into Egypt. They would not obey the Angel, but thruft him from them (i) they tempted the Angel whom they fhould have obeyed; and who was that but Jefus . Chrifi? as it is cleared more fully and expre!fely by the Apoftle, · neither let u.r tempt Chrift as fome of them aljo tempted, and 1 Cor ·1°•.9• were deftroyed of S erpents .Some of the learned are ofopinion,that Chrift the Sonne of God did in the fhape of a man deliver the Law. But I leave that. - 2. In the Law it felf as it is a Covenant ofgrace, we finde fomething of( hrift, in the prefa<;e he JJroclatmes himfelf to be our God ; and-in the firft Commandment we are bound to rake this God to be our God; and in the fecond be gives us a double reafon or motive to obey, for I the L ord thy God am a jealuu; God, I fhew mercy nnto thoufandt of them that love me, and k§ep m1 Commandment.r. And in the fifth Commandment he gives a promife of long life in (ant!lan, which is either to be 1ookt at as a type of heaven, or literally for a profperous1condition here on earrh; but bowfoever it is by vertue.of the Covenant,and as a tefl:imony ofGods love; now all thefe promifes are made in Chrift: God is not our God, but in and through Jefus Chrjft. God will not fhew mercy unto thoufands,norunto one ofall th~ thoufands of his Saints, but as they are in Jefus Chrift. God will not gi-ve us long life here, or eternal life he~after, buti'n, for, and through the Lord Jefus Chrift; what if Mofes writ not down the word Chri.ft] yet certainly Mofes writ of(hri.ft] his words imply Chrift, as Chrift himfelf told the J ewes, had ye beieev.ea Mofes,. Z JC