Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Cb_ap. 1 .Set£.4 were all thefe but .a type of Chrifi? in the former expreffion of the covenant we found the feal ofcircumcifion , but now it pleafed God to adde unto the former another feal for confirmat on of their faith, fc. the paffeover; and was not this a type ofChrift, the immaculate Lamb ofGod, which taketh away the finnes of the world? Again, in this manifeftation .ll-:lofes brought in the Priefihood as a fc:tledOrdmance to offer Sacrifices for the people: and was not this a type ofCbrifi , our true and uncbangable high Prieft ? I have fometimes feen the Articles ofa beleeving Jewes Creed, collected out of 0'v[ojes Law; .as thus, I believe that the Mejfiah jhould dp to mab.§ fatisfaElion for Jinne : this they faw in their continued bloody facrifices; and their deliverance from Eg]pt by the death of a Lamb , taught them no IeiTe. 2. I believe that he jha/L t.ot dye for his own Jinnes, but for the finnes of others: this they might eafily obferve in every facri6ce, when (according to their Law) tney faw the mofi harmeleffe birds and beafts were offered. '3· I believe to be Javed by laying hold upon his merits : . this they might gather by laying their right hand upon the bead of every beafi that they brought to .be offered up ; and by laying hold on the hornes of the Altar, betng a SanCl:uary or refuge from purfuing vengeance. Thus we might go on: no queftion the death and refurreCl:ion of Chriil:, the Prieft-hood and Kingdome ofChrifi were prefigured and typed by the facrifices, and the brazen Serpent; · and the Priefihood of Aaron , an'd the Kingdome of If rae!; And 1 cannot but think that the godly, fpiritual Jewes underftood this very well ; and that thefe did not refi in facr~fices or Sacraments,but tl!tat b.y faith they did really enjoy Chrift in every of them. · 5. ln the intention of Gods giving the Law we finde fome· thing ofChrift. The very end ofGod in holding forth the Law was, that upon the fenfe ofour impoffibility to keep it , and of our danger to break it, we {hould deGre earneftly, and feek out diligently for J efus Chrift; to this purpofe faith the Apofile, Christ iJo the,end ofthe Law for righteoufnef{e te evrry one that believeth. Chrift is the end of the Law ( i.) Chrift is the end of intention; God by giving fo holy a Law, and by requiring fuch r,erfeCl: obedience, he would thereby humble and debafe the Ifraelites, fo that they fhould more earnefily fly to Chrifi; in thi! fenfe the Law is our Schooi-Mafter to bring us unto (hrift • that Z 2 we 171