Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

----------------------------- -------------------- Book III. Looking unto :jeft14. Chap. 1 ~ Sea. 5 - ----------. we might be jt~ftified by faith: a School-Mailer (you know) doth not enely whip or correCt; but alfo teach and diret<t: fo the Law doth not onely·threaten and curfe if the work be not done, but it fhewes where power and help is to be had. viz:,. From the I.ordJefus Chriil; if this be fo, how much to blame are they that under pretence of free-grace and Chrifr; cry down the Law? rather let us cry it up , and this is the way to fet up free-grace and Chriil. Surely he that difcovers his defeCts by the perfed rule of the Law, and whofe foul is imbittered and humbled beuufe of thofe defeCts, he mull needes prize Chriil , defire Chril.l:, advance Chrifi in his thoughts above all the men in the world. And thus far of the covenant ofpromife as it was mani'feiled from MofCJ tO' David. · . . ----------------- SECT. V. ofthe Covenant ofpromife '" manifefied to David. i-f He next breaking forth of this gracious Covenant was to David; and in this manifeilation, appears yet more of Chriil; the expreffion of it is chiefly in thefe words. Although my houfe 6e not fa with qod,yet be hath made with me an everlafting Covenant,ordered in all thiny;s and fure. For the right underilanding of this we fh,all examine thefe par. ticulars. -~ 1, Who is the Author of this Covenant? 2. To whom is the Covenant made! 3. What is this, that the Covenant is faid to be made? 4· How is the Covenant ordered ? 5· Wherein is the~ovenant fure? 6. Whether is Cbriil more dearly manifeiled in this breaking forth of the Covenant, then in any of the former? 1·. Who is the Author of this Covenant? David fayes, he hath madeit :· he· ('i: )' God; the rock of Ifracl, tbe everlafiing rock; &;he roc.k...of theirfa!vtttion .,, Pf. I 9· i· The rock. of th(ir ftrength ; - .. · --·· ·· . R[~1~