Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.I.Sea: 5. Looking unto'Jejtu. Book fH ---------:-----·--·- -- pf 62 7· The Rcck..of their heart, Pf.73 .26. T he R dzofrh.•r ~efuge, Pf.94.22. Their Rock.. and tkeir R_edeemer , Pf. 19.14. The Pfalmift is frequent and ordmary m th1s ihle , to :fhew that God IS the mighty , ftable and immutable. foundatior: and d~­ fence of all the faithful , who fly unro h1m , and w1ll truft m him : he is fuch a rock as will not ilinnk,nor faile h i~ creatures ;· man is unftable,but he i5'God,and not man, who is the Author of this covenant. 2 .. To whom is the covenant made? why faith 'David, he h~th made with ml an ever!4fing Covenant. (i.) either with Chrift the antitipe; or elfe with 'D.tvid himfelfe, the tipe of Chrift. To the former fcnfe we have fpoken elfewhere; the latter I fuppofe more genuine ; the Covenant indeed was firft 1 made with Chnft, and then with David as a member of Jefus Chrift. Some are wholly for a Covenant betwixt God· and Chrift; and they deny any fuch thing as aCovenant petwixt God , and man. but are not the tefl:imoniesexprelfe? tak!; heed to ycur Deur.4. 23• [elves left youforget theCove;umtwhicht heL_ord hotth made w.ith.Jer.3I·31 you: And I will ma~ a new (uven,mt with the houfo of Ifrad, and with the houfeof(udah,and by name do we not fee God Covenanting with Abraham, with Ifaar;., and with Jucob? Gen: I 7· 7· Gen: 26. 2. Gen: 35 - I2. L evit: 26. 42. and here do we PfS ·r not fee God Covepanting with David? I have made a Covennnt · 9 · 3 1'3 ' with my chofen,l have fworne U!Jto David, and once have I fworne by my holinefs, that I will not lye nnto David, and the Lord harh fworne in truth unto D:tvid, he will not turnefrom it. Oh take p . _ heed offuch doctrines as tend·unto liberty and licemioufi1efs! the u 3.:.rr. . Covenant God makes with us binds us fafier to God ; and if there be no Covenant betwixt God and us, it opens a gap to the loofenefs ofour fpirits; for how fhould we be charged.with un· faithfulnefs unto God, if we have not at all entered into a Cove.. nant with God? 3. What is this that the Covenant is faid to be made? this ,. ·h?lds forth. to ~s the fre~nefsof Gods entering into Covenant Gen .1 7 ,:r.. With us l mil mak§ mJ Covenant bet ween .me andthee : faith God: for I will give mJ Covenant.,! will d~fPofe my Covenant bmveene me and thee ; So it is in the.originaL And elfewhere it is plaine brhold I give unto him n_JJ Covenant. of pe.ace ;. when God makes a . covenant, then . hq~tves the.cov.enant ofhis grace unto._ alLthat Num,.1f•1 ~~. z. 3- h~ .