Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

66 Chap. is. Themoral Lawwas written inHens hearts. Introdut. he would not render the duty of a Child to his Father therefore his days were not prolonged: and another faith ieroe r:,úo... rertt,.a, 7;i744, live well and nourifh thy Parents in their age. And Menander faith , that he which honoured his Parents, (hall C. :mng+eFhn' M°' live long and happily. And for fuperiours,Cb . rondas ( faid in his Laws ) tr. ttt,w, it turn, q-oes'Tr't) ?et2 the nested ofour aged Parents is extremity of wrong. 6. For the fixth , there is no queftion , every Nation held it as a Canonof their Law, Homicida quad fee* , expellee , Let a Murtherer expeU lofs of life, as hede. prived another ofit : and therefore they all puni(hed Murthcrers with lofs of life. 7. For the feventh , it was the faying of Licurgos, Fuge nomen Mcechi, fimertem fogies , AvoidAdultery , fo ¡halt thou avoid untimely death : and Step/mums oat of A'icoftratus o.ids,. ,uc..gk tnks, is'ow5M" i' is ray*' Vehegi', sW' asr....ahsq, He that will livein Stab. J rm.6, this City and not dye,lct him abhor Adultery And Menander cenfurethAdultery as a fin difgraceful, becaufe the price ofit is death. 8. For the eighth, Demofthenes againfiTsa.ocrates alledgeth plainly the Laredemo- nian Law , in the words of this Law , Thou (bait not treat. And Weds precept enjoyneth Men, not to poffcfs xts r p,tt,A flolne goods, but stp.q,a given by Gods Providence. g. For the ninth, it was one of the Laws of the twelve Tables at Rome, Qats falfom teFÜmoniuni dixerit , Tarpeia Sasso dijiciatur , He that thrall bear fatte witncfs , let him be cart down from the Tarpcian Rock. And I' hoçlides coon. fdleth not toutter lyes , but to fpeak the truth in all things. Now in the other four they had a dimtr&r light , for they were not fo rnanifefc to them. t. For the firfl , though we find moft of them fpcaking of Gods in the plural number , yet it was well known to the Philofcphcrs, that there was but one God, and efpecially to Pythagoras, who could fay, Si quit pdcumdixeritFalter anum ¡pi amnia fecerit , novons faciat munduni, If any one Thal( fay that he is a God, hut he that made all things, let him prove it, by making a new World. And fo Sapbocles, t,'t'sd"lA.3ömo,', tvn"wt, unus is' vtrttate onus Detu, There is one in truth, there is one God, and fo laid Orpheus and Varco: and this they main. tamed in their Schools. 2. For the fecund, they agreed, that every God fhould be worfhipped according to the manner that himfclf should think heft. So Socrates in Plato's Res publica . rùr 4v5' atte.".0.1., every God (hould be worfhipped as he liked. And this is the very foundation of the fecund Commandment. But for the thing it fill, St. Au. De ctu, t. 9' guiline out ofYarro faith, that Tarro did much approve ofthe pews Religion, he- c. 31 caufe itexcluded Images , holding it the heft way to keep Religion undefiled by ex. eluding them; and that if all People elic had taken that comic, it had been a means to take awaymuch trifling. 4. For the fourth, very little is to be found , and yet they bad this Canon among them , that numerus feptenarius, the number of (even was numerus ,eui- etis, a number cf iefl, and that it was Deo grariffmau, a number pleating to God. From which, and from the report they heard of the jewt obferving the feventh days reft, they might have gathered a conclulion, that God wouldhave red upon that day. And it was their prat-life in their Funerals to broe theirexequie, the feventh day after a Mans death, and (even days together they wouldmourn, and they gave their Children Names the feventh day after their Birth, an_'. all this becaufe theyheld it Saturns number. to For thetenth, Maunder bath this faying, 3 to5,r `tw.J,,r 6'K °rz, JM>nei.t rin, do not concupifcere or delire, fo much as another Mans Pin or Button. And indeed, though in their Laws they never touched this , yet the (cope of them all did tend and drive to this end 1a;ti,a ', non concupttfcere, they were againft eoncupifcence. And hence we may conclude wish Saint Paul, Rom. 2.15. That the Gentiles, having the Law written in their hearts, were in- excufable. Now to (hew that the Heathenhad alto the Rules arid Grounds before mentioned, wemay thus prove. t, There