Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Introd. That the moral Law is written in Mens hearts. Chap.:6.. 65 . the confetfionof a wicked ,Egyptian King. And both reward and punifhment were Exod g s7 fetbeforeCain. If thou do well, (halt thou not be accepted 2 And if thou dolt not Gen. q. 7. well, fin lyethat the door. Like a Savage Bear , or Mafliff-dog, or a Blood - hound. So long as thou keepeft within doors, that is (as theFathers expound it) as long as thou liveft , thou mayeft happily efcape punifhment for thy fin, but whenfoever thou goeft out of the doors, out of this life, then ve tibi, he will fly upon thee , then this Bloodhound will never lofe the teem, till he have brought thee to perdition and deftruEtion. More direftly : for the Reward , it's to them that do well. I. For temporal all .dour, et, the benefits in this life : Becaufe gofeph fearedGod, the Lord made all things profper un- Gen 39.ás der his hand. z. And fecondly, for eternal benefits, felcity after this life. Enoch was ,4, tranflated to everlafting life, becaufe he walked withGod. For punifhment, 'tis to them that do evil. Fir(t, temporal punifhment in this life, as we fee in the cafeof Adam, Eve, Cain, and 7efephs Bretheren : but efpecially in Exod.97. Pharaoh, which made him cry out as we heard before, yeses eft Dominos , &c. The Lord is righteous, and I and my People are wicked. It was his fin drew thofe temporal Plagues upon him. z. And fecondly , eternal puuifhtnent in the life ro come. So we readof the Spirits in Prifon for being difobedient in the daysof r Pet. Noah, who Preached Repentance to them : fo that they were condemned for tranf- greffrng the Law ofGodPreached by Noah. CHAP. XVI. That the moral Law of God written by Mofes , was known to the Heathen. I. The At or Work was known to them, ar it is proved in everyPrecept of the Decalogue , yet their light more dim in the I. 2.4. to. St. Pauls three Roles of Pie fobrie, jufte, known to them. z. They knew the manner of performance, Toti, Totum, Semper. 3. They knew the rewards and penifhments. AND thus we fee, that Gods written Law , whichis Natures Law , hath all thofe conditions that any Law fhould have. For this Law, which was before Alofes, was nothing elfe but "PP/Ws Law in the hearts ofMen : as ifa Man would get a thing by heart that is not written. For what Laws then they had fromGOD they kept in their hearts by tradition. But now peradventure theywill fay, that three Laws and the four Rules, appear only in the Scripture, and were ebferved by the Sews and thofe mentioned in the Scripture only, but other Heathen took no notice ofthem, nor ufed them by the light ofNature; and therefore think themfelves not bound tothem, but arc at liberty to ufe, or not ufe them. To this we fay, that by the writings of the Heathen themfelves it appears that they had thefe rules written in their hearts, and receivedmany of them, the Son from the Fathers afcending, even to Noah, Sons, Shem, Ham,and faphet, though in fouie of the Commandments it may not feem fo plain as in the reft ; forin every Command- ment they introduced flame corruptions of their own heads , and declined diverfly from Gods Law. Fir,for fixof the Commandments it is manifeft, as the 3. 5.6.7. 8.9. themore t The Milan, obfcure are the t . 2. q.. I v. 3. For the third Commandment. It was a Law among the a/Egyptians, Perjeri pm- na capitali, plellentur, let the perjured be punilhed with death , as Diodores Sicules reporteth. And it was the Law of Rome in the I z Tables so+*Irw t#,,, ,,, {wear not sopp.ia stab. rafhly. And Sophocles faith, that when an Oath is taken bâ,t' 's4!,, 0;0'e,4.4-2 the Soul sorm.27. will bemore cautious to fin againft God, and to injure Man. 5. For thefifth, Homer faith of one that had a misfortune, that it came (pia pa- rent es non honoravie, becaufe he honoured not his Parents, 0,ot444 S,,, C./ 37$ 9t4aamm0 ,, I :, vidlow