Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

92 Chap.2, Rules of extentfor expounding the Décalogue. Coma o at the found of a Trumpet thould fall down and worthip his Golden Image. This a Sam.iz,ts, Iyeth chiefly upon the Magiftrate for commanding it, and he is acceffary to Idolatry if the people commit it. So Saul was guilty of killing the Priefts, though Dag s t;. t, ;. flew them, becaufe it was his command. So, though Ananias role not outof his 1v4 feat to linke St. Pasi1, yet becaufe he was ftricken at hisCommandement, the blow reached untohim, and St. Paul called him a painted Wall for it, and denoun- ccth Gods judgment againft him for it. David did not in perfon put Vriahin the a Snarl. 1 t. forefront of the Battei, but 3oab; yet becaufe he wrote to 7.4b fo to do, the murther I t 5' of Vriah was laid to David by the Prophet Nathan. 3tzebel was far off when Na- t Reg. al. S. both was ftoned, but bccaufc the wrote to the Elders of Ifrael to proclaim a (aft and 9. to fet Naboth on high among the people, and to fct wicked Men to witnefs falflya- 10 gain(l him, and toput him to death, the was made guilty of his death. 2. The fecund is, Permittendo by tollcration, and is the other way whereof the Magiftrate or Superiour may be guilty, byPermifflon or Connivence at enothers fin. As when a Man is in Authority, though he command not an evil thing, yet be- caufc he bath power to reflrain Men from committing evil, and doth it not, he (hall be in fault. if the people of the Land do any ways hide their Eyes from the Man Lev, .o. 4, when he giveth hisfeed unto tifálech, andkillhim not ;; Then will I fet my Face f' againft that Man, and againft his Family, andwilt cut him off That is, if the people in whom it lay to execute punithment for it negleEted, sadCoffered the Malefaelor to live, the fault thould be theirs as well as his. St. Augnfl'ine faith that theMagiftrate bath theSwcrd committed intohis hands Vt mali, fl non dimirtant volttntatem, ammittant facultatem peccandi, that wicked men fhould be difabled of their power, if not of their will to fin. St. Paul de_ Rvm, t ;. 4. fcribing a Civil Magiftrate, faith, thathe bears not die Sword in vain, and tells the end wherefore he bears it, as a Revenger to execute thewrath of God upon him that doth evil. And the fame Apoftle ( to fet down a rule for theEcclefaitical Ma- giftrate ) inveighcth againft thofe of Corinth, for not executing an Ecclefiafl:ical r Cor, t. Centure uponan open Offender, but fuffered him to continue in the Church. And this rule extends alfo to Domeftique government, as that of Fathers concerning their Children. Becaufc theSons of Eli made themfelves vile, and he reftrained them not, t Sa. 3. 1 ;,14. God faid thatthe iniquity of his Houfe fhould not bepurged with Sacrifice nor Of. fetin for ever that is, he would judge his Houfe for ever. Ahab for fuffcring Ber s Re zo 4a badad (sa Idolater) to efcape contrary toGods command; his life went for Benha- g dads. So then, he that fuffereth an offender to efcape uupunifhed, the (tate of the party permitting (hall be as the Rate of the party permitted. For a perpetual oppro- Job°. 19.16. bry to Pilate, it is recorded, that he delivered Chrift to the pews to be crucified. What a fair thew made he? What wafhing of his Hands, withmuch otherpretexts, as publifhing his Innocency ( before all the people) concerning Chritts death I yetbecaufe he was chief of the Province, and had authority to have kept the Yews Reg. 1.6. from putting Chrift to death, he was guilty of the death of our Saviour. -111011i- jobs wantonnefs and ryot came upon this occafion. His Father had not difplcafed him at any time, in Paying, Wby haft thou donefo ? And it pleafed the Holy Ghoft throughout the whole courfe of the Hiftory of the Kings of Ifracl and 3udab, to leave this as a blot upon wicked Kings quit: non fufbulerat excclfa, becaufe they permittedhigh places to (land. And therefore St. Augufline faith very well to all in authority. 7u impieopeium touai, aloiquin Dens & de to & de illo implebit faun, be forethou do thypart, and perform that which thy place requires, elfe God will perform his, both upon thee and the offender. And it is better (entire lenitatern patria uam feveritatem judicis , to feel the lenity of a Father, than the feverity of a Judge. 3 The third is, Provocando, by provocation. The two former were fubfequent to attions,the two next are antecedent. Provocation is two ways, Urgendo,'Allicendo, by urging, oralluring. a. By urging, as ?ohs Wife, dolt thou 11111 retain thine integrity? Curfe God and die. Or when Men by provocation urge Men to blafphemy or Job t g anger, &c. Judg, 14.1 t. z. By alluring, as Samprons Wife to difcover his Riddle, and ,14'.94: f lfe Prophets r Cbron. 1.8. to go to War. Now