Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Tbe Contents. ..,4dditigt 22. about Oblations, fome.maybe due and limited, by Law, Cufloms, Contrali or neceFry of the Church; others . valuntary andfree'. Nopower ik the Nragiflrate to alie- nate things dedicnted to God, CHAP. XII. Page 308. The two laf Rules. 1.Thefgnes of keeping the day. 2.Of procuring the obfervation by others. the Cenclufion. The Expofitionolthe fifth Cominandmetne CHAP.. I. Page3io Of thefum of the Second Table. The love of our Neighbour. How the SecondTable u like thefirft. 1. Of the 4l, Lave. HawChriJtiapo lovedéfera fromother love. The frtìit. of it. The parts of it. z. The objet; our Neighbour. Whohour Neighbour. De- grees ofProximity, and order in love. 3. Themanner of love, at thyfelf, This mreft ap. pear in t . The end. z. The means. 3. The manner. 4. The order. CHAP. II. Page 3'8 The divifionof the Commandments of the SecondTable. Why thu is fet here between the Firll and Second Fable. The partsof it, t. A P.reeept. 2. 4 Promife. In the Precept. .The duty, Honour, 2 The objeCT, Father and Mother. Theground ofHonour. 1..Excel- lencie.z.Conjunlion. The order ofhonouring, doff,`ersfrom that of love. Why Goddidnot makI all men excellent, andfit;o befuperiours. All Paternity is originally and properly in God. In man only inftrumentally. The Hebrew and Greek wordstranflated (Honour) what they properly fignifie. The necegity and original of honouring Superiours. Government a Divine Ordinance, Power, Principality, and Excellencie * ., aer, how they lifer. Honour due to them all: To naturalParents, to theCountry wkerewe live, to Prig- ter, to fpiritual Fathers, to Magiffrates. Inrefpeítof excellencie of gifts, honour due. 1. In refpel of years. 2. Of thegifts of the mimic. 3. Ofoutwardeftates. 4. Of -Be- nefits received. C H A P. III. Page #25 The mutual or reciprocal dutiesof Superioeers and Inferiours. t. Love. 2. To *ifhwell andpray forone another. The duties of Inferiours. i . Honour. Inward and outward. 2. Fea, . 3. Subjelion and Obedience, alive and pave. 4. The proteftationof our fubgelion, by honouring them withour eftates. The manner how this duty muff be per- formed. CHAP. IV. Page33o The duty ofSuperiours in fourthings. Addition 29. Of the end of Government, and whether the People be above-their "Governours ? The manner how they muß govern. Whether honour be due to one that is evil ? Whether he muff be obeyed in malo ? Of difobeying theunlawful Commands of a Superionr. Addition 30. Of obedience in things doubtful. CHAP. V. Page 34.1 Thefirß Combination, between Man and Wife. The fpecial end .of Matrimony, im- plied in three words. 1. Conjugium. z. Matnmonium. 3. Nuptim. The Office of the Husband. a. Knowledge togovern his wife. 2. Conjugal love. 3. To providefor her and the Family. The Wives duties anfwerable to theft, Officia refultantia, Du- ties nrifng from theft. The Duties of ParentsandChildren. The Duties of Mailers and Servants. CHAP. VI. Page 3541 Of Tutorsor Schoolmal1ers, and their Scholarsor Pupils. The Original ofSchoolsand Vniverfities. MutualDuties of Teacher and Scholar, as the choice of frith as are fit and capable. The particular qualifications of a Scholar, Solertia , Docilitas, Dili_ genria. 2. About Inftrulion. Inffrulion helps the natural andinfufed light, fo doth prayer and reading the ward, &c. The Scholars Duties anfwerable to theft. The par- ticular duties of aTeacher. The Duties of thofe that are to be taught. The refultant duties of both. d CHAP;