Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

302 ********S8't'2C'?;72 522S22S22Sá *****5*,4********Hti 1.g2i2 eet4o HE EXPOSITION O F T H E Fifth Commandment. Honour thy Father and thy Mother &c. CHAP.I Ofthefum ofthe fecondTable. the Love of our neighbour. How thefecond Table is lifte the firft. t. Ofthe Ail, Love. How chriftian Love differs from other Love. Thefruits ofit. The parts of it. 2. The obiell, our neighbour. Who is our neighbour. Degrees of proximity,andorder in Love.3.The manner ofLove,as thyfelf.This muli appearin, t.The end.2. The.means.3. The manner.4.The order. a:: tr ,L.,. ÌT u The fumor contents of this Table is delivered, Mat. 22.39 out of Levitz9.1S. Thoufhalt lovethy neighbour as thy Pelf. In which place of Saint Mat. our Saviour faith, that thefecond is like the firft ; for indeed when we come to the fecund Table, we depart not from the Love and honour of God, it being no lefs in the fecond than in the firft, nay rather fomewhat more. The Gmilitude mentioned.. by our Saviour confifteth in this, that whereas he bath taken order forhis own Love in the firft, fohebath taken order for the Love of man -for God in the fecond ; and though it come not fo direétly to God, yet indirellly it doth, for-our Love ro man mull be grounded upon our Love ofGod: we mull Love him in and for-God, there- fore the Schoolmen make but one Theological vertueof Love to God and man. Tho.a.z.q.a3.&c. àt dear. Saint Auguftineexemplifieth it by the Love and care a man beareth to the ungra- tleri(tiana.l.r. cious children of his friend, for though they many times are not to be loved for themfelves, yet for the Love he beareth his friend either aliveor dead, for his false he overcometh that conceit, and beareth affeeiòn to them : And thus in refpea of fimilitude, we are to love God for himfelf, and man for God. And for this we r have received a Commandment fromGod: That as we love God for himfelf, fo we love man for God the Commandment lieth upon us in both refpctts. 2. An/c1 further this fecond is like the former, becaufe theLove of our neighbour commanded in the fecond is a Ggn of our Love of God commanded in the fielt i Joh.4.2o. Table; and therefore Saint john faith exprefly, that if any manfay, that be loves God, and hates his brother, be is a lyer, forhow can he love God whom hebath not f etc, that Rotn.'3.9. loveth nothis brother whom he bathfeett ? And hence it is, that Saint Paid and Saint Ga1.5.r4. James, fay that all the' law isfulfilled in this one Commandment,, thou fli tlt Love thy Jam.2.8. neighbour as thy felf, not properly and formally, but ratione ftgni, as the Ggn or et- fett argues the caufe; becaufe the Love ofour brother is a fign of cur Love to God, which His fifth Commandment beginneth the fecond Table. It is called by fome the Table of Julice. As the other taught us the Love and duty ofmahto God, fo this the Lobeand du- tyof one man to another : which gives us a Tetìimony of Gilds Love towards us ; that he made man after his own image, like to himfelf; and allows him a Table for his good, andthat with more precepts than that ofhis own.