Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Corn. S. Ofloving ofour neighbour as Our fel f. Chap. t . 3 I 1 which is the caufe, of our obedience to all the other Commandments, for Saint John's argument (lands thus. Things that are leen, may fooner be belóved than thole that arenot feen : Ifthen our brethren cannot find fuch favour at our hands as to be loved, having feen them, how thall we love. God; whom we never Yaw Foras his true downward, whofoever loveth God, muff love his work, and the bell of his work, and therefore man t fo upward too, it is neceffàry ; whofo- ever loveth man of whom he oft -times receives injuries, muff needs love God from whom he receiveth nothing but benefits. Saint Gregory puts them both together :Per amorem Dei amen- proximt gignitur : &-per amorem proximi amor Dei nutritur. The ÿáñool. e. love of a man to bu neighbour is begotten by mans love to God, and the love of man to God is nourifbed by his love to his neighbour ? and Amor Dei amorem proximi genera, & amor proximi calefacit amorem Dei : which is all one with the other in effect and with that of Saint 'Augnffine, Diligendo proximum purgas oculum ad videndum n'a : By loving thy neighbour thou malZefi thy fight the clearer to fie God. 3. Again, this fimilitude holds in regard ofthe punifhment or reward for keeping or neglecting of this fecond, which is no lefs than for that of the firft. Inafmuch as ye did it not (faith our Saviour) to oneof thefe, ye did it not tome and e contra ;where ttt 30 rraEä.r9; we fee the reward or punifhment there mentioned to be given, will be, not for a- Mat.25.45 ny ditty done or omitted toGodhirnfelf,but as hecometh to be confideted in the per - fon ofan afflicted brother i for it is exprelfed both affirmatively, v.3 4,35. &c. that what was done to them was done to Chaff himfelf, negatively, v.42,43, &c. that what was denied to them, was denied to Chrift. And thus we fee the reafon why Chrift faith the fecondCommandment, or fecond Table, is like the untofirft, and withal the firft end or fcope of it, viz. That God might be loved not only in and for himfelf, but alto inour Brother who is to be loved for his fake. An other end ofthe fecond Table is, that as the firft is thefoundation and ground ofall religious Society, as we are the Church of God, and is therefore called the great Commandment, fo in the fecond fhould be laid the ground and foundation of all Commonwealths and Civil focieties of men ; as the firli dothperducere nos ad Deum, as S. 4oiguffine faith, unite and brings us to God, fo the fecond unites one man to another by the mutual duties they owe one to another : This is a fecond end of this Table and it is gathered from the creation oftnan at the firft. Gen.2.1 8.Where it is faid, that it is notgood for man to be alone, and therefore he muff havea helper. This fecond Table therefore refpet`ds the perfectingofGods purpofe in the work ofhis creation that one than be an help to another. The words [ Love thy neighbour as shyPelf] contain three things. a. The duty or act Commanded ; Love. 2. The object of this love ;Thyneighbour. 3. The manner of this love, modum diligendi, As thyfelf. In the duty commanded which is the firm of the fecond Table, we mull know firft what is the fence of the words. As there are in Latin, fo in Greek and Hebrew feveral words thatlgnifie to us the affection of Love. r. The general word is [ Amor ]; in latin it imports an Affection that extends it fell as well to things unreafonableas reafonable,whether it be Amor concupifcentie or Amor amicithe,howfoever it be, it comes under Amor.And in this refped we love all the creatures of God : that is, we delire to have them preferved, which is, toba in the (late wherein God created them; and thus we love not the Devil (asSaint Au- gu(fine faith) and his Angels, but juffumDei udicium in illis, hisPeijudgment upon them inplatting them in that effate, and that theyfhouldcontinue in it. 2. The fecond word to expeefs- love is Benevolentia, good-will, wherebywe delireand Peek the good of him we love; and this is only in reafonable creatures, whereas that of concupifentia may be in all creatures; yet this is many times rafh and accompanied with errour, and not grounded upon found judg- ment. 3. The third is.Dilellio, which is without errour, grounded upon judgment, and .upon a good and füfficientcaufe, and that is when welove another in and for tódfor this diftinguifhea Chritlian love from all other love. Saint Augultine faith, that