Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

2 Chap. t. The Introdu&ion. fo low as to children, but that they are to be brought up Iicentioufly and allow: ed liberty while they a e young, and not to be inftruF.ted, before they come to riper wears, and then they fhould be inftruc}cd in Religion. t. `The Heathencllsus of that which is in the beginning of the Phiiofophers MorA n.e'r.6;nbias "' ' ei+WYam4., a youngman is not a proper and fit Auditor of Moral Philofophy. And it was the Oratorsopinion in his defence of Calitu, C'k pro M, ca- D.anduin eft aliyuidjuventuti, dönec'deferbuerit. Liberty is to be given to Youth bn. till its heat be abated. And one of their Poets. Qtti depsvoloptoarios contetnpft Plato. juvenis, n ant amatit, out infanabitfeaex. He that ocfpifeth pleafurc while he is ycung, will either dote or be nod when he comes to beold. To anfwer this (we fay) that if there were any weight or moment in the authority otheHeathen, the whole confent andpra&ifc of them in general,were tohe preferred before fomc fewmens Opinions. And for theirpraetìfe, it is cer- tain, that Catechifm or inßrunion of Youth, was ever in ufe among theGen- files ; for we read in,Parph7ikJQtftions upon Plemer, this laying, .tlwJYalwr 'fhcfc things we underfhand by the inftruçtion of ou'rchdd. hood. And Solona .r" ' -r:ou, facreetadtnonition, learnt by Efcbines, (hewed that it was ufual in Athena for youth to be taught. The'Hiftory alto of the Hea- then, makes it plain, that their Children were inftrut`.ted, and fo dealt with i for it was á' Leon' among them, motto poll their children heads, till they were in- fIrtched ìt: !yore 4mr401ar r, in the facred admonitions ; frómwhich time they were allowed to carry. Tapers in their Shewsand and Fcftival Solemnities, and then were called T4rcia, or Taper bearers. Phoeyl'ides al fo faith, ,tañ eadl't. Una nss. dd.TMtt. ire. I t is necclrary to teach a child while he is young to do well. And Pythagoras in his Golden Verfes, and Plutarch in hisBook of theEducation of Yuuthiänd .Piata in Frahm. are all of the fameopinion Concerning that which Ariftotle hath i.,) hsMorals, it muff be acknowledged that hemeant de falls : & :sonde ea :podfieridebait: elfe, he is to be called back Lib.y.csp -s. to hisde Rep. nary, .1 t20.1 tr. & is expedient for littleChildren to bedrawn from evil fpeeches and fights which may hinder their proceedings n itishis Rule further, that it is neceffary to teach them alfoon as in ve may ue be, t and all things that are good D..dieittat.4. Laítly, againft theOrator, (landingat the Bar, and pleading for his fee mew. oal.t, wife a lewdyoungwan, his oren ferions fayin?s are tobealledged, Refrenandw et èo- ereu:da eft, &c. r5' maxime bac etasa libid nibus & volaptatibue arcenda eft. This Age (meaning Youth) is molt elpecially to be kept (rem lofts and pleafures. And !dNast».q inanother place he is of a flat contrary opinion tohis firft.' ,,,ti adolefcemnm peccatn ignofci putantoportere. faluntur, propterea, 1nod atas ilia non eft impedi- mentabonisfindiis. They are much deceived, that think way íhould be given to the licentioufnefs of youngmen,becaufe that age is no let or hinderance togood Learning. 'In the Scriptures there are two places that difcovcr flame to. be of the fame Opinion. t. Pharaoh being requefted by Mofes that the lfraelites might go with their Children to worthip theLord, makes a (toff at the motion, and faith, Not fo, go ye now that are men : as though Religion pertained not to children. 2. In Mac.rç, gí_ the Gape!, when Children were brought to Chrift toblefs them, the Difciples S. I not only forbad them,. but rebuked them that brought them, as if Chrift and Childrenhad nothing to dowith each other. For the firft we fee that Mefcs ftands ftitfly tohis prorelition, and will not ac- cept of Pharaohs offer for theelder, except the younger might go alto. For thefecond, our Saviour oppofeth his Difciples, and commandeth them not to hinder, but to fuller and further their coming to him, telling them that the Kingdomof Heaven belongedas welitothem, as to elder people, pronouncing Mar.if.9 thofe accarfed,that íhould keep them from him, or .itndadigtr lay a ambling- Wingblock before ill example. That