Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Inrrodut, Of the efentialparts of théLas'. Chap: i 5 4j proveth thus, becaufe their Cohfcience bare witnefs, and their thoughts reftefledon their actions, accufed or excufed themfelves in what they did. . And therefore St. Augulline faith, that everyman had this law in his Heart, which S»r 1'14° is to be underftood after the fall, for before that, all was perfeEtum, perfei`l. .wali multarate laudant, multa retiereprebendunt, quibau autem regulis faciúnt hocP obi ens vident ? unde acidhabeas ? quadbovines fir vivere debeant, cum ipf:non fro vivant, (ant regale infix, mentes eorum injufia, reguhe immutabiles, mentes eorummutabiles, vel hoc argumenro, &c. Evil men commend many things truly, and reprove many things as luftly : but by what rulesdo they fo P whence have they it, that men ought to live fo, feting they live not fo themfelves P why, thefe rules are right and good, though their mindsbe not fo, the rules areunchangeable, though their minds be mu- ,John table, &c. Yea, he concludes, that they find them in libro lucis, in the book of light and truth, howfoever theyare blind, ( and as St. john, thelight fhone in darknefs, and thedarknefs comprehended itnot "which truth being in God, as a feal, makes the fame itnpreffion in the mind ofman, yet keeps it felt whole, and where thisprint or im- preffión is fet, it can never bewiped out. And thus we fee, that all meneverhadi and have the effect of the Law in them. And this we will prove from the performing the duties required in the law before it was given, this may appear 'before the written law in all the ten Commandements. I. For the firft Comttíandement. ' Though it be not very plain, that Terah with Abraham, Lotand Sarah departed où; of VI- of the Chaldees into Canaan, becaufe of the idolatry of theinhabitants, yet fòon after there is a very plain place for it. 7acob Gen. 1 t. 3 rò commanded his houfhold toput away their ftrange gods. 35. :. 2. For the fecond., 7acob buried the Idols under an Oak, and in that Rachel hid the Images under the Camelslitter in a godly zeal, as forne think. 33. 4. 3. For the third. Abraham caufed his Steward toput hishand under his Thigh 31;3a. and (wear by the Lordof Heaven and Earth, that he fhould not takea wife for his Son C4.3, of the Daughters of the Canaanites. And we may fee a folemn oath taken between 3,53. facob and Laban. 4. Forthe fourth. We may fee the obfervationof it plainer before the giving of x. 3: the Law, in Exoduy in fpeechabout gathering a doubleportion of Manna of theSab- Exod 26. 23. baths Eve. g. For the fifth. We may find in one place, how Efau cryed for his Fathers Gen; Z7, á. bleffing: and in another, how he flood in awe of his Father, though he were 3 otherwife prophane, forhe would not kill his brother 7acob, while his Father was y, alive. 6. For the fixth, We fee.a plainprecept. Whofoever fheddeth mans blood, by 9.6. man Mall his blood be fhed. 7. For the feventh. 7udah would have burned Thamer for playing the Whore. and Sheehanwas flain for ravilhing Dinah,and the whole City fpoiled byher brethren. 38. For their anfwer to their Father yacob was, fhould he deal with our fifter as with 34` 3` a Harlot ? 8. For the eighth. The puttings of ?o(ephs Cup into the Mouth of theSack was enough (though among theEgyptians) to clap his brethren in prifon, andGod forbid 14. 7, ( fay they) we (hould dothis : that is, ffeal. 9. For theninth. llecaufe 10dah hadpromifed to fend a kid, heperformedit, though (as he thought) to. a Harlot. :o 1 o. For thetenth. There wasdo act, norporpofeof Heart in Abimelech againft Sara, as appeareth, yet the fin of concupifcence was punifhed in him, by God : Be- hold thou art but a dead man, becaufeof the woman which thou haft taken. Not Gen. zá. 3° withftanding Abimelechhad not yet come neer her. So Pbaraob was plagued for her; in the fame cafe. Ir. 17. By this we fee, that there was áLaw before the written Law. The fumof the Law is this: Ambula mecum, walk with me, or before me, and the means todo this, is Love. Can two walk together ( faith the Prophet) and not be Gen. i7 agreed ? if they love they will not part. So that love mutt be the ground, and toAmos 3.3. love Chrift, is to keep his CommandementsPow there is no Lovebut bewteen likes,Johnr4. 15. fo that we muff be integri perfecì, both in Body and Soul, not outwardly alone, but inwardly too. The