Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Chap. i S. 64 Introdx&. Oftheefential parts ofthe Law. TheLaw confifts in twoDuties. r. In avoidingor not doingEvil. 2. In doing äfa A' 16'17. that which is good. Both put together by theProphet. Ceafe to do Evil, learn tó do good. Andby the Pfalmift. Efchewevil, anddo good. If.*34 14. The fin againft the firft of thefe, is called Pcccatunt Commiffonic, fin ofcommif- fion, and the fin againft the fecond is called Peccatum Omifionic, fin of o- mi(fion. In regard of the firft, wearecalled _Milian Dei, Gods foldiers againft hise_ nemies , Sin andSatan, and therefore are we Paid to be the ChurchMilitant. In re- fge t of the fccond, weare !tined Operarii Dei, Gods Labourers. In regardof the firft we are called imnoeentes, guilders. And of the latter Boni e3' jeffti, goodand juft, or viri borrows Opermm, menof goodworks. Jet S s. But inany good work, thefe two muff go together. For the Jews were veryob- fervent in offering Sacrifices to God : but becaufe they burned in Luft, and every fife t t i one neighed after his neighbours Wife, their facrifices werenot accepted : and it was in this raped thatGod told them, hewas full of their Libamima, their facrifices. On the other fide, be we never fo innocent, yet if we donot to our power pafcere e3' veftire, feed, andcloth, dogoodworks, we fin; er f banumfitnonfeciffe salary", tamers maimeft nonfeciffe bonny", as it is good not todoevil, fo is it evil not to do good. For in keepingof theLaw facere 61r abftineremuff concur. Yet if we could keep the fe- cond, we fhould not fo greatlyoffend in the firft. Saint Paulin hisdirections to Titus giveth thefe rules, that aswe mutt deny un- lit. a. Is. godlinefs (there's the abftinere) fo we mull facer' too, live foberly, juftly and Godly; that is, z. Pie, Godly, towards God. 2.7ufte, Jay: towards our Neighbours. 3. Sa- brie, foberly towards our fetus. And for theft three Saint Auguítinepath three rules or natural principles. 1. Deteriwfublieiendum preflantiori, good communebabe" cum Angelic, fubde Deo : Let man fubje t himfelf to God : And his Angel-like rcafon to God hisbelt direftor. This is Pie. 2. quad communebabe' cum brutic, herfubde rationi, Let mens faculties common to them andbrute Beafts, fubmit to reafon. And this is to live fobric. 3. Far goodvie pari let every mando, ashe would be done by. And this is 7uie, And the corruption of thefe is by threecontrary rules. çtn. 3. Si s. The firft ; as Satan laid to Eve. Dii critic ye (hall be as Gods. Be not 6' fubjeC. 2. The fecond, as theTempter Paid to the fonsof men. videte Cr nubite, good libes liter, volumes lexefo, fee and marry, do what liketh you, Let your will Rand for aLaw. 3. The third. 1llachiavelr principle. Quod potes fat, bonus. preffantiorie, bonsai communitatis Do what youcan, bees,, beet quadpore,. : that yotrcan do isLawful. So much of the firft thing in theLaw. TheAltion or work. z. 2. The fecond thing required in every Law, and fo in this, is the manner, how it muff bedone, which by learned men is muchdilated. We will reduce them all to 2*, manna. three things. Wearc to do it, 1. Teti. 2. Totem. 3. Toto sempore, or Sewper. Gen. 3r. 6. I. Teti. as tacob faid to Rachel, you know that withall my power I have rowed yourFather : andno doubt but hewould yield as much (crvice to God ashe did to Man. a Zoe. S.18. 2. Totem. With our wholeSouls and Bodies we mull endeavour to keep the whole Gen. 6. 12. Law, not as Naaman did, keep it by halls: But as Noah, Who didall that theLord 7' S° commanded him about theArk. 3. Teto remporey not for a time only, but all the days of our life. Noah was tors (,a 6.9. i t empore juftue, righteous all his life : and Abrahamwas juvenia & fenex idem, thefame man in his age that he was in his Youth. j. Now for the Reward or Punifhment (which are the two other things required in Liwar3. aLaw) it ftands thus. That if a man breakone part of theLaw, the commanding part, 4. it is impofftle that he fhoulddope the other part, the fanCion, which binds over P.0iibmum topanifhment. Thezcfore God hath taken order, that though men can overreach theLaw in onepart (that is, in contemning it ) yet on the other part, punifhment (hall over-reach them. So faithSt. Asduffine, Awr faciendam, nut pariendum quad debemue, wemuff either dowhat we fhould, or fuffer what is due. And this was known, be- fore the givingof theLaw. That Godwas righteous and the people wicked. It was