Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

toß Neal may we be fa Spiritual, as to Serm.5. rifìn if it be carnal fear, Ifa. 51.12. It 1ovc: of the world, I Toh.a.I S. If revenge, Rem.I2.19. If impatience under atfli t on, lames I.I z. If diffidence in Go 's protnifes, Numb.z3.19. If im- moderate anger, Ephef.4.16. if pride and arrogance, and felf-afl'u- ming, Matth.5.3. & 11.29, &c. Happy is the man that path his qui- ver full of Poch artillery ! whofe confcience is rich in there Memoirs I Ma.i3.52,. Store thy mind with this facred treafure, that as a Scribe inftru&ed for the Kingdom of heaven, thou mayeft ( upon all occafions ) bring forthout of thy treafure things new and old. Hold fuck Scriptures as are point-blanck contrary to the Temptation, before thy confcience, if it would turn away, compell it to look upon them, and think,I am Gods creature, I mull obey him. Did ever any rebel agarn(t him and Tame. profper, eine ego tot adverfer ? Is it wifely done of me, to refift my Ma- ker ? to try which is ftrongeft, a poor worm, or the Almighty God ? And if the love of Gods Commands will not conftrain thee, let the terrors,the thunders,and lightnings ofhis Threats perfvvade thee,which are all levelled again(} wilful finners.And it is not fateftanding(furely) in thevery Canons mouth. Perufe chofe two Scriptures, and tremble to ventureon any known breach of theLaw of thy God, Derct.a8.5 . Ifa.45.9. Ride 3, If all this efledt nothing, then draw theCurtain, take off the valle from before thy heart, and let it behold theGod that fearcheth ir,7er. 17. to. Heb.4. 13. Shew it the Majefly of theLord, fee how that is defcribed, Ira. 6.1, z, 3. Ask thy foul whether it fees the living God, that feeth it ? Whether is is awarewhole eye looks on, Gen.16.13,14. Whether it hash no refpe6 for God himfelf, who (lands by, and whole pure and glorious eyes, Hab.i.i 3. 'pierce through and through thee. Tell thy heart again and again, that God will not be mocked ; I Sam.z.3. that he ie aGodof knowledge, and by him aUions are weighed; that he is a jealous God too, and will by no means clear theguilty. Bid it confider well and look to it felf, for God will bring to light every hidden thing of difhonefly ; he that now fees,will judge ir. Speak to thy unruly lulls as the Town-clerk of Ephefus wifely did to the mutinous Citizens, A6s 19.40. Sirs, we are in danger tobe called in queflion for this daics uproar, there being no caufe whereby we may give an account of this tumult. Rnle4. If there great real arguments be flighted, try whether an argument ad hominem, drawn from fenfe, will prevail. Awe thy lulls then with the bitternefs ofchine own experience. Confider howoften thou haft rued their diforders ; what difm all confequences have followed upon their