Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm. S. checkSin in thefill rifngs of it ? I©q their tranfpo is, and how dearly thouhaft paid heretofore for thy con- nivance ac them. Bethink thy fell on fuch a fail-lion as this. rather day I was angry, and behaved my felf uncornly, put the whole company, or family out of order, difobliged fuch a dear and faithful friend, by my rafhnefs and folly, in uttering batty words before I weighed them. O how did I repent me afterwards ? How a(hamed, and abafhed,and con- foundedwas I, when I came to my felt? So at another time thus and thus I mifcarried my fell, and thefe are thefruits and curled effedts of my yielding to the beginnings of fin, and (hall I go now and repeat my madn,:fs ? Had I not smart enough for my folly before; but mull I needs play thefool and the beat again ? Ask thy felf what thou aileft to forget all the fighs and groans, and bitter tears that thy lull bath alrea- dy colt thee? and yet would the impudent fin be committed once more? ,s QQs,ds ioraabTaoou : where are thywits, man, if thou goeft about Theo.rit. ire ir. Sic Wotan ZllyfTes ? Was it fo fweet a thing to lye under the horrour Cyciop. and agony of a wounded confcience, and under Gods rebukes in ferret the la(t time,thac thou mull needs venture again ? Why, wilt thou hurt thy foul, and become a Devil to thy felt ? Why wilt thou needs break thy peace, bycontenting to fin, and nor only fo, but torment thy felf, and kindle a hell in chine own bofome ? and all this in defpghrof,all thy warnings ? IFfau Pifcaior fapit, the burnt child dreads the fire : But it feems thou arc in lovewith mifery, and weary of thy joy and comfort. Thou hall a mind tobe curfed, wretchednefs and woe and death are it feemeth grown fo, amiable in chine eyes, as to become thy deliberate choice.Thus upbraid thy felf,and do it fo longand loud till thou fetche{t thy foul again co is felf,out of that fwoon and lethargy which beforceth it. Give not over chiding and reproaching thy fell, till thou makes thy heart fenfible and con6derare. Labour to cure thy luflings and affe&ions in the firfl beginning pf Rule their diforders, by ltevulfion, by drawing the (cream and tide another way. As Phyf trans (top an Hemorrogie or bleeding at the Nofeby breaching thebafilique vein in the arm, or opening the Saphana in the foot, fo may we check our carnal affections, by turning them into fpiri- tuai ones, and thofe either, a. Of thefame nats re, Ex. gr. Catch thy worldly forrow at the rife, and turn thy mourning into godly forrow. If thou mull needs weep, weep for Tome-what that deferves it. Be the occafion of thy griefwhat itwill,lofs of eflate, relations,ec. I am lure thy fins are a }utter occa- fion, for they brought that occaiion.of mourning upon thee, be it what it will, that thou art now in tears for. Art thou troubled at any danger, full