Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm. 7. partake of other mens fins ? t 43 4. Here is matter of reproof and humiliation this day for our wa,.t of watchfulnefs in this !Linde. Oh whichof us can fay , that we are free from the built of ocher ri-tens fins. Every man may cat} this bur of re- proof and larxeentatioa at his own Confcience , and there let it flick. Parents every one, ah my children: fins ; Mailers, ah my fervar.ts fins ; 1t: in,Flers , ahmypeoples fins ; Rulers, ah myfibjeCisfins. Oh let us deeply mourn for want of relative holinefs , and more frequently and fervently pray that prayer, Lordforgiveme myother mens (ins. 2. The fecond life is of Exhortation and Caution together. Is it fo, That it ought w be every mans care,not to partake of any mansfin. Oh Chritlians 1 let me intreat you then tobe very mindful of this Duty ; be perfwaded, beloved, and the Lord perfvrade you to be ten- derly careful and watchful , that you do not partake of other mensfns. Thefe are infe6}ious times and places that we live in , and multitudes there are that catch difeafes and diflempers from others ; but let me tell you Cfiritlians , that bodily difeafes are not half fo catching as fin is ; Sin is an infectious, contagious , peflulential plague, that fpreads mightily in the world : Oh take heed, take heed that the guilt of o- ther mens Sins do not one day lieupon your Confcience, 'and be put upon your account. Let meinforce this counfel in the words of our, and they arevery weighty and Emphatical. Verfe 21. 1 charge thee before God andthe Lord 74.ies Chrift, and the EleFt Angels , that thou obferve theft things , without preferring oaae be- fore another ; andamong(} the ref this is one , That those be not p3(raker ofother mensfns. Give me leave to profecgte this in theft three par titulars. I. By laying down force Arguments to prep this Caution and Exhor- tation. 2. By pointingat what fins efpecially you mull notpart4e of. 3. Byfhewing you hots you may fo mannage the bufnefs, and order the matter 'as not to be partakers of other mens fins. What are the Antidotes again(} this infeFlion ? t. To lay down the e4rguments. I. Confider, youhave fins enough ofyour own, you h,ve no reafon to , partake of other mens ; it is cruel to addafftiftion to your bonds. jefus Chrifl hadno fins of his own , and therefore he could , and did bear ours ; he did take all mens fins , though he did not partake of any mans fins, all were hisby imputation, Ifa. 53. 6. He hack laid upon him the iniquities of tits all, but none were his by perpetration and par- . ticipatíon,