Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

144 Howmot we reprove, that we may net Seim. 7. ticipation. It is not fo with us, alas ! We have fins enough of our or Man,Woman,thine own pride will damn thee,if thou dolt not repent ; and thine own hypocrifie, and formality, and x»orldlinefr, and hardnefs of heart ; c hou hail no need to rake the fins of others; faid the Daugh. ter of Zelophebad,our Father died in his own fn,Numb.27.3. aye, that is enough to Kill a mar., and Damn a man, his own ¡in. a. Confider, It is a moft monflroats fin, it is a moll Dreadful fin to partake of other mens fins. The Apoftle fpea'i.s of committing irtquity withgreedinefs, Ephef. 4.19. Sirs, there is no filch greedy tinning as this, for a man to lick up, and fwallow down, and devour other mens fins. Naturalifls tells us, that Serpens Serpentemdevorans fit Draco, If a Sargent fwallow down another Serpent,ii becomes a Dragon. Oh Chri/lians l this fin of devouring other mens fins, is a Drape-fin, a Monfirous -fin, a Dreadful-fin, a Devilifhfn, and therefore take heed of 3. CAnfider, If youpartake of othermens (ins, youfhall certainly par- take ofother mens plagues, Rev.i 8.4. Come outof her my poople,faies God, namely, from Babylon, that you be not partakers of her fins, that foye re- ceive not ofher plagues. See Prov. 13.2 o. A companion of fools(hallbe de- flroyed ; not onelyfools fhall be deflroyed,but a companionof fools (hall be deflroyed : If youfin with them, you fhall fairer with them,and you (hall fairer more becaufe of them. Read that, Luke 16. 27, 28. And the rich man faid, Ipray thee Father Abraham , that thou wouldefl fend Lazarus to my Fathers houfe, for 1 have five Brethren , that he may te- (life unto them,leafl theyalfo come into thisplace ofTorment. Why would not he have his Brethren to come to hell to him ? Divines determine, not out of any love to their fouls, there is not that charity to be fuppo- fed in hell. Oh, but becaufe the fight of them , andkompany of them, would increafe his Torment. This will be the fchreeking and howling in hell among damned fouls one to another ; oh woe worth the day that ever I faw thyface, or that ever I law thy face, thou haft brought me hither, and thou haft brought me hither ; and fo they will torment one another to all eternity. Loquitu; 40- 2. Whatfins we mull efpecially tale heedof partakingof ? ftolus de pecca Anf. Of allfan ivhatfoever, I Thef. S. 22. Abflatn from all appea- tis grauioriVus rance ofevil ; but efpecially of threefarts offns, which may be called iifq; maxirne E idemical lagues guee lam p Church-fns, z. National-fins, 3. Family-fins. But I mall offendiculum pariunt. Oita fpeak n.hhing of the tirtl, but little of the fecond, and moil to the RAG toc. 'third, Among