Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

17o The Converfien of or Senn. 8 gretiïons which bear a ihevv of great negiec`i, if not of Come contempt and diiaain. 7. Keep up a con(ianc and vigorous practice of holy Duties in thy Ions. 7,4.i 5. family. As for me, f jo¡htaah, landmy hotsferyill ferve the Lord. Dewt.6.7. Mofescommnanded the Ifraelites to go over the Laws and Precepts which he h .d given them f: o;n, God, in their own families in private arnong .heirChtl ;reu. The Infiru&ions and Exhortations of Gods Minìiiers in publick, fhould be repeated at home, and whetted to and ,s,,,,.9.). z,az. ai n upon the lit r'e ones. Samuel h td Feafi upon the Sacrifice in his own houle. 1 6 and others had Sacrifices in cheirown Families. 1 aoi.t z.3,4. The Paifec vcr- Latr;b was to, eaten in every particular houfe. God fayes , he will pour out his ferry upon the families that call not upen his Zed). 12.11,,3. Name. There a°e limes th.''r every f mily muff be apart, as well as eve- ry wife Ind perfon apart. All the Maiesof Abrahams Family were appointed to pafs under the ordinance of CircumciCion. The keeping up of Family-duties makes every little houfe become a Sara&uary, a Bethel, a houle of God. And here I would advife that Chrifiìansbe not over- redi.ous in their Duties of private worfhip. I have heard from a near relation of that holy man Mr. Dod, that he gave this counfel, that the confiant Family prayers fhould not ordinarily exceed above a quarter of an hour, if fo much. The morning and evening Sacrifices at theTemple, and the Palreover- offerings ( which were for every family) confified hut of one Lamb. Takeheed of making the wages of God irkfome, and unpleafanr. If Goddraw forth thy heart fometìmes, do not rejeá} and reprefs Divine breathings; but dually labour for fuccinernefs and brevity, fuch as may hand with holy reve- rence to God, fo as not co huddle over excellent and weighty duties, and yet fuch as may render relgious wor(hip, defìrablein the Eyes of thole whom thou woulde(I have to look towards Canaan. The Spirit is willing many times when the Flefh is weak,and a perfon may better for a little time keep his thoughts from wandring and difcompofure, when as the large expence of Expreflions gives occa(ion for too much Ecclef. S. z. diveruion. God is in Heaven , and thouupon Earth , therefore let thy words 6e few. When our Lord gave his Difciples a formof Prayer, which was for quotidian and daily ufe , as appears by that petr.ion, Giveus this dayour dailybread : you know how fhort and compendi- ru+a ous it is. TheSpirits are like firings of Harps and Bows, which if ne- ver remirted and flackened, will crack, and make chofe Infirurnents unlerviceible. It is of good ufe likewife to vary the duties of Reli- gion fometimes fing, and fomed:Iles read, fornecimes repeat, fome- times