Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

32 INs ¿VT; copas TÓI °Eap t'A T%7 C,vxádu7ê. Antioch. p.361. q77 i ö-rrtd 77p1 Aets cvt.c,BdA- AHt'--,:ppóAa,ß. QAUTG`,T! 7Ib(q?Ep c.f'T4Gi cexQá77/S,ñ ö veer gríers mXeít trttas , poo79xóp- ?G1S C.4/ 7i;; i/A- ASo'ópn.Epift. 2.82. mMic.4.5. n Heb.13.7. o z Sam.z3.19, 23 p Rev. t5.3. q I Pet.1.i2,i5. I Thcf1.7. r I Joh.I.3. f I Joh.z.2,7. t Hcb.i 3.8. K Mara .:S.& 6.46.Lu.6.iz. John 11.42. f Luk.4.zz. x John 7.46. y Mar.! o.2 r, 27. LLuk.z4.I 7, 3 z. a AEìs 10.38. Joh.8.29. c Ju(h.s. r 8,21. dAfts9.6. eRom.2.2 I . fPfal. r 29.8. gPfal.iz3.z. hJOh.IS.t8, &c. i I Pet.z.zr, 2z,z3. flowmay we be univerfallp Serm.i. can't pray over ir,and if he would but bellow a feriosse ejaculatory pray- er upon every eccssrrent a lion, he would find, that fuch a prayer would cut off all thingsfnful,demur all things doubtful, & encourage all things l43114l. Therefore donothing but what you can preface with prayer, But thefe rules are all defetive, l'le therefore clofe with an Example that's infinitely above defeCls. IV. Think,, and f eak,, anddo what you areperfwaded Chrift himfelf would do in your cafe, werehe uponthe earth. The heathen theypropofed unto themfelves the bell examples they t had, and therefore let us fol- low the bell of al ours. There are many rare examples in Scripture ; but we may fay of chem,as'cis faid of molt of Davids Worthies,whofe higheft commendation was with this diminution u, they attainednot un- to the farfi three. I propofe therefore neither great nor fmall,but the King of Saints P : it becomes a Chriiiian rather to be an Example 9, than to follow one : But by imitatingof Chrifl,you will come as near as 'tis pof- fble to the firfi three,for yourfellowfhip ¡hall bewith the Father and with his Son.efus Chrift r through the fpiric of holinefs,who alone can teach you what it is to abide in fChriii, whowas, and is, and ever wit/ be our abfolute copy t.OChriflians ! how did Chrifipray,and redeem time for prayer u ? How did Chrift preach, out of whole mouth proceeded no other but gracious words f that hisenemies could not but admirehini29 at what rate didChrift value the werld,who did and taught to renounce it Y ? what time did Chrifl fpend in impertinent difcourfe, who made their hearts burn within them, whom he occafionally fell in company with %? How did Chrifigo up and down doing ;good to man,and always thole things that were pleating to b God ? Beloved, I commend toyou thefefour memorials, to be as fo many fcarlet c threads upon every fin- ger of the right hand one ; that you may never put forthyour hand to adiion,but thefe memorials may be in your eye. i.Mind d ducy.2.What's anothers duty in your cafe, is ° yours. 3.What you can't fay,theBlefíìng of the Lord be upon ir, do not meddle f with ir. But above all, as loon forget your Chriffian name ( the name of a C'hri/#ian) as forget co eye Chrill , and what ever entertainment youmeet with from the profane world h, remember your Exemplar a, and follow his fleps : who didnofin, neither was guilefound in his mouth, who when he was reviled, revilednot again ; whenhe [offeredhe threatnednot, but committedhitnfelfto him that judgeth righteoufly. VVhat