Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

froiayta.74v- or,5,9v,this vvord fignifies nego- tiari in aliqua re ad Lucrum. Bsdæus. Nos ntgaatus ullo uaquam Nip bent nun- 'tes bono nzturx propter deum átaque non du- bimus efre ali- quod iseerttum oongrui .Cha- mier.panf}r.T Cach.T.3 l, xá.c.4. What milk, , ismi,c ll Pe Jo*s,da ,Serin.,. then theydo,La .t9.t thole which had the Talents,he faith,Qccra- ph till Icome,be pragmatiçal,befiir your felves and improve 'our talcncs, io that at my return I may find you gainers : and he chat hid his latent in a Napkin, is branded for a wicked fervanr, ver. zz. and for a wicked and floathful fervanr, Mat.25.26. 4. Conchsf . Men may domore than they do, lfa.64.7. There it none thatflir- reth up himfelfto take holà of thee: they did not !hake offJukewarmnefs and lazinefs, and rouze up themfeives to take holdof God by faith and prayer. Its thecomplaint of Chrifi that he w s hungry, and they gave him no mear, thcríìy, &c. they might have done chofe things, and bellowed their eflates upon Chrifts members, as well as other. Its evident men may do more than they do, for that they do not chat in their healths, which they do in time of theiraflliédion ; , ~den they will early feek God, Hof. 5.t. 5. Weak ones do more then flronger, many of weak parts a& beyond chofe of larger abilities. Many complain in their ficknefs that they have lof} time, and nor done what they might where is the man that .dare plead it before the Lord, that he bath done all he could ? Svcaufe men do nor what they might, the Lord may not only deny grace untp them, doing fomething, yea, doing much, but ju(ily.: condemn. them, becaufe they did not what was in their pamper. It is a common faying among Papií s, Jefuites, Armi- nians and others, f,cienti quod infe ell, zratiam neo dexegat dent. This is no found foundation, for it fuppofeth tome men doat to the utter- moll of their power. But [Whoever yet did all that was in his pow- er ?1 Whoever went fo far, as that he might not have bone one Rep farther ? laid everañy read, hear, or-pray fo much, but he might have read,heard,and pray'd more'? 7ehorammight have waited on theLord longer, z Kings 6,ult. 5. Cone/of. Humane endeavours are not required to co-operare with Gods grace, and lb make it efte&ual,but his grace,makes rh-ir endeavours effè&ual when he pleafeth ; Phyfical means make not Gods power eifedlual,buc his power makes themofeeival,and fo its in mens endeavours.Ir is not of him that 'willeth,nor of him that rwnneth, but of God that fheweth mercy, ¡pm.9.16. ` 6, Concluf. All.that men do before Convertion is not in vain, fruiclefs and to no purpofe. When Rehoboam and the Princes humbled themfelves at Vie preaching of Shernajab, they were reprieved and delivered from defirueti-