Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm.4. inconfa%ient withGrace 79 on hirrl calledDeath, and Hellfollowedwith him. When men fall Total- ly,finally, voluntarily, and rnalicioufly : Thus Simon Magiu, Julian the Apottate, Hymaneacs and Alexander, whole names are in Gods black bo©k.Here the Gulf is fixed,and there is a nulls retrorfum hence. Theft are not tobe renewed by repentance. This fall is like that of ferichos walls,they fell down flat with acurfe Jofh.6.zoa annexed, or as Babylons walls, with a Vengeance, both without hopeof jer.5 .58. repairing. Or like the fall of Lrcifer the fief+ Apoftate,wìthout offer,or hope of offer of grace any more for ever ; or like the fall of 7/4das, who falling headlong barfl afunder in the midfi, and all hi bowels gufhcd Alts I.r g okt There is alfo another kind of fall of a mixt or middle nature, and to The mixt fail., which fide of the two, Godly or Reprobate, I thould call it is not fo eafie to deter:-nine, A reiterated fall into Tome foul a& or courfe of fin : and he-cin I mutt proceed as warily as thePrieft of old in a doubtful cafe of Leprofe, whether topronounce Clean or Unclean, and byhis rule I (hall Lev.i 3.4,5, go. He was to (hut himup leven daies,and look uponhim better ere he 62&c. couldgive his Definitive fentence. If therefore I. I fee the fore be but skin deep,] Lev.13,4. & 34. and havenot cor- rupted the bloud. 2. if it!land atallay and fPreadnot further ]-v.5 )6. So alto v.23,21if, 3437 3. ifall become white] by repentance and mortification I shall pro- nounce him clean. It is afeat, it is but afcab,v.6. or a fcall,v.34.1t is no deadly Leprofie. But on the other fide, 1. If it be deeper than theskin] (having taken the heart with the love and likingof it ) v.2o,25,3 O. 2. if it Bread further and further] by renewed ass, verf.8.z70 36. 3.If there be proud rawfiefh in the rifng,v.Io,14,15.and the man prey fumptuoufly live in it, and plead for ir, I shall pronounce him unclean,ic is an old Leprofie, r. I r . Ir is not the 'Pot of Gods children. Deut.3 Concerning Relaplés, I (hall delire you to take notice of thefe eight obfervations. r. It is very oblervable that the Holy Gholl is very (paring in letting down in the Scriptures inttances in this kind, well forefeeing how apt flefh and blood is co abode andperv;.rr fuch Examples to their own de- itruéhion : Such examples are as Simeon laid of Christ, fit fir the fall Lukc and riling againof many, and are a ¡gn /oaken againfl. How haveDa- vids and Petersfalls e;nboldened many to fall and live ira fin. There is net