Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

72' Aph. z. A Chain of f f Principles. EXERC1TATION t. The infufftciency of other Religions for bringing men to the enjoyment of God inferred from their inability todifoverhistruenorjhip. John 4.24. opened. God to be worfhiped in arid through Chrift a leftn not taught in Natures f pool. Faults in Ariftotics Ethicks, §.. I. I6 hathappeared already in part y what hath been hithertodif courfed that as the other Patriarchs {heaves made obeifance to 7ofephs fo other Religions- muff bow down to Chriflianity by name thole three grand competitours , Paganifme, Ju- daifine and Mahometilme : as allo thole other leading books by name the Talmud, theAlcoran, and the much applaudedwritings of heathen Philo- fophers muff_ all do homage to the Bi- ble. Yet will it not, I fuppofe, be un- worthy of my pains and the Readers patience further to clear the infuffici- ency ofall exotck 'dof}rines byan ar- gu$nent taken from divine worlhip, to