Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

if Chain ofPrinciples. the moil judicious Heathen walked by, both in that and the ages forego- ing. He fpeaking oftheir religious oblervances plainly laid, A wife man will keep them all as things commanded by our lams not as things acceptable to the Gods ; for cuftome rather then confcience fake. Thereby {hewing (as Auflineob- ferveth) that hehimfelfmifliked what he pra&iíed, and did not approvehis own adoration. What elfe was this but mock-worfhip? And although it mull be granted that fome of them were more ferious in that way of fuperffi- tionwhich theGentiles Theology pre- fcribed, yet was not their woríhip in Truth ; for being deftitute of Chriíh, who is the ivay, the truth and the life,they wanted that Truth in the inv,ard parts, required by God in all holy fervices. The Pelagians indeed wereof opinion that thofe' vertr es which appeared in heathen Philofophers and others of eminent note for morality though they had not received the knowledge L 3 of 77 Exerc. 2. °.u,c2 amnia fapaens fervabiz tan7uam fcgiGus juffa, r.on tan- pain Diugra- ta. Sic adora- bimus ut memi- nerimur cultum magis ad naorem gasàm ad rem pe,+tiave &c,. Auguíi. De Civit. Dei 1ibà. 6. cap. z o. Jon 144, . Pfal, ç i,6.