Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

Chain o f Principles. 153 thy liberties, at the condemning Law Exerc. 4. as cancelled by thy Surety , at the Earth as the footffool of thy Fathers throne, at Heaven as the portail of thy Fathers houfe , at all the creatures in Heaven and Earth as an heir is wont to look at his fathers fervants,which are thereforehis, fo far as he fhali have need of them, according to that ,gill cera;, , are yours, and ye are ChrCis, and Ghri t is Gods. Fourthly Sincerity of obedience. No doubt but Elffes two Cons, being Prieíbs had a literal knowledge of God ; yet being profane, they are faid exprefly not to have known him. They wereIons ofBelial; they knew not the Lord. When Lucius a bloudy perfecuter of fered to confefs his Faith in hope thereby to beget in the auditours a good opinion of his orthodoxy, Mofs the religious Monk refuted to hear him, Paying, The eye mightJo.metimesjudge Ruffin, hi tor;' of ones faith as well as the ear : and that ap.6 (` 'b'Z` whofoe gr lived its Lucius did, could not be- X leeve