Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

ifChain ofPrinciples. APH0PJSME IV. Goodnefs and Greatnefsare At tributes fo comprehenfive, as to include a multitude of di, vine perfections. I EXERCITATION I. Exerc. t God defcribed from goodnefs and greatnefs both without and within the Church. A lively pour- traiture ofhis goodnefs in the feverai branches thereof Exod. 34. 6, 7. Bowels ofmercy im- plying inwardnefs and tendernefs. Our bowels of love to God, ofcompafiion tobretbren. Mercy not to be refind by unbelief nor abutd by prefon- ption. §. I. moít learned among the Heathen made ac- count they had fuficient- l.y charaterized their 3upiter, when i;s P424g they ítyled him Good and Great, yea óm Maxi the Belt and Greatefr of Beings. Nei- ther can it be denied that thefe twoat- X z tributes,