Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

54 Aph. ><. Luke '3,15. ,,A át.m dives t,(1 qui cum Chiifto pauper. Cornel. à la. pide Com- ment, in Ifa. SSz. . chain of Principles. our Saviour, conlifteth not in the abun- dance of the things which be poleith. Wealth indeed is an acceffory good, but no neceffary blefsing. None are made really happy by it ( though La_ tinif}s ufe the lame word Meatus to lignifie both rich and bleffed ) AChri- ílianmay be happy without it; really happy, yea and reallywealthy too, for he is abundantly rich that poífeffeth Chriff in the midit of poverty and doth not make treafure his God, as the fervants ofMammon do, but God his treafure. 4. 7. Furthermore, as the exprefsid on there is They , end their labour for that which fatisfieth not. A late Jefuite tells us a Rory of a feafl made in Ger- many by a certain Magician for Noble men who whileft they fateat table withhim received good content, and fared to their thinking very delici- oufly, but when they departed found themfelves hungry as if they had eaten nothing at all : Which indeed was