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Prornifes concerning Sane ificatian. 61 them out of the hands of their perfecutors when they humbled themfelves and fought unto him , inclined the heartsof their enemies to thew them favour, confounded thole that rote up againti them, and mercifully performed all his promifes in the fitteti feafon : andwhere this firme beleefeis planted, it begetteth a confiant andwell-advifed refolution to draw neere to God, and cleave to him in all conditions, profperitie and adverfitie, fckneffeandhealth, freedome and trouble, when religion is favoured, and when it is perfecuted : becaufe falvation is of the Lord, heewill prat 73.24,37 guide his people by counfell, and afterward receive them to glorie, but they that are farre from God (hall perifh, .Ylan,miferie by they that goe a whoring from him (hall bee defiroyed. finne. What the Scripture teachethofthemiferieofall men by finne, thevan; tieof mind, and corruption ofnature, that faith receiveth; and thence followeth felfe-deniall and re- nunciation of all trnfi in worldly meanes. Thehigh and profound myfieries ofgodlineffe, which the naturali man .Myfferierefgad_ perceiveth not, accounreth foolifhnefIe, faith embraceth iin 1e' with admiration, joy, delight, and affe5 ionanfverable to thenatureof the doctrineinto which we are delivered. Be- leefe of Gods power, wildome, grace, love, and mercïe ma- nifefied in JelinChrifi, doth frame the imag of God or Chtifi in our minds, andpropolèth it as a viiible patterne for ourimitation inall our works,thoughts, and refolutions, and tiirreth tip toworks ofpietie, juflice, mercie, long-fuf- fering, and the like. §. 4. Betides the promife of forgiveneffe of finnes, in ZThe $oter and through the blond of Chrifi , there bee many other concerning precious and richpromifes, fpirituall and temporali, con-. cerning this and the li°i to come: all which, as procee- ding from the fame fountaine of truth, faith doth ref} upon and embrace, and that fo much the faller, as the promifes bee more excellent. There is a mutuall relation betwixt God promifing any good bleffing in Chrifi, and the faithfull foule putting forth it felfe toembrace grace offered. For faith bath not onely eyes, by which it Both: fee