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contained in thisfirt Part, dtfeale , ibid. 3. God requires that men in afliïEtion Mould live by faith, both for a Eun tifed of in them, and a good iflue out of then in due featOn, ibid. The fixteenth Temptation, They are ferongly poiLfred with feare that God hath urrerly call them off', §rt Remedie, t. They muff beware they makenot more firmes un- pardonable than God bimfelfe hath pronounced to bee of that fort, p.184. a. Seeing God dothcall and incourage themto trutl and relie upon hirn,and they (land in need, and would gladly embrace his promifes made in Chrifl, they mull gather godly boldnef e to reif upon Gods grace,and courage to fight again(' , and withfland Satan, p.18§. 3. The foule cannot rafle fweetnefiè when it is overwhel- med with feares, p.t.81,186 4. It is a fault to meafure the excellency of faith and power thereof by quantifie and unfea- fonable fruits (fo to call them) and not byvenue, kind plantan- on,and feafonable fruit, p.187 What bee feafonable cffeßs and fruits of faith in great tempta- tions and cloudy feafòns,p.187 1118 5. Imperfe&ions argue not want of faith but place for fur- ther increafe of faith and the fruits thereof, - p.189 6, In Scripturewe have ex- amples of weake believers as well as of firong : andinone and the fame perfon different degrees offaith at divers times, p.189 7. When the heart isfilled with feares , the calme and Hill voice of the Spirit is not difcer- ned, p,190 8. In choie feafons the triall of faith is to bee taken by thofe fruits which are evident to the eie ofothers, ibid. 9. They that fide them- felves.deffitute of grace and com. fort, are willed to repaire unto Chri.fl for both, p, r9oir9 r eJ Tableof f theprincipall matters . contained in thisfecond Part. Cale P. I. Nducements to live by faith, P-193,194 Carla is- the fountaine of life, and faith the meane, p.194i195,196,&c. It is impoffible that faith fhould challenge any thing of defert unto her fclfe, p,196 Faith is profitable for this life, and the life to come; for all parts andpurpofesofoily lives: but evermore it advanceth the grace