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ATableoftheprirscipaflmatters z. The barreif in grace muff comeunto Chrift to be fupplyed ofhis fulneffe, p.23 z Dire&ionsto theweake , how to flirre up themfelves tobeleeve when they feeleno comfort. T. They muff unfainedly humble their foules before God in the confeflion offrnne , with earneft prayer for pardon , pag. z. They moil rowfe and flirre up themfelves to beleeve with reafons drawne from the promifes and covenant of God made in Jefus Chrift, confidera- timas taken out of the word, and experience of his dealingwith o- ther his fervants in former times, 12234,23Ç 3. They muff bee Mitant with the Lord to give them both firength of faith, and thefight of their beleeve, p.235,2.36 4. Theymuff comfort their hearts in the certainty of Gods Word , though for the prefent they feele nocomfort, p.236 Thus faith is daily to beeprefer- ved andquickened, ibid. CHAP. III. OF thepromifes of SanElifica- dJ tion, p.z37 AChritian isallowed to beleeve thefe promifes, for, T. In the covenantofgrace God bath promifed to take away the heart offlone,&e. p.238 2. The fountaine of grace is fet open unto thethirsty, and hee is invited to comeand:drinke, to the Catisfying of his foule , ibid. 3. Chrift by his blond hath purchafed for his peopleallfpiri- tuall bleffings in heavenly things, p.239 4. Wee are taught to aske of God in Chrift, increafe and ftrengthofgrace, ibid. 5. The faithfull have relyed upon Chrift for grace and ability to walke inhis wayes, . ibid. 6. Mans duty is Gods free gift ofgrace, ibid. It is necefáry to beleeve that God will fanitifie our nature, and enable us to the duties of holineffe. For, T. Juflification andfanl ifi- cation be individuali, p.z39 z. Othervvife Chriftians Coll very much ftagger, beoffand on, coldlyfet upon thepraftice of Chriftianity, p.240 3. Our oware ftrength is too weake for the work of holineffe, ibid. 4. Setledneffe in this , that God will perfet theworke ofho- lineffe begun, caufeth men to goe about the workeof mortification withmuch readineffe, ibid. 5. The promifesofGodcon. cerning fpirituall things are link- ed to erher , The ads of faith about theprof mires offanilification. T. Itacquaints man with his emptincf e of grace,. and the ftrength of his inbred corruption, a. It fhevveth wh4e the ftrength is tobee had which wee want,and Cirres upto a confiant, confcionable ;and diligent tire of the nseanes:ofgrace, p.242 ;. It inciteth to an holy im- provement ofwhat grace we have received, p.243 4.I(