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Faith ii anAif nt. 2 3 lingnifhed, nor good fuccefhe tobedefpaired of, for all the arguments the Devi11, the World, and the Flefh can op- pofe againfl them. The apprehenfionof thejoyesofHeaven cannot beedi- flin& and evident in this life: but that God hath provided fuch joyes for his Ele&, as it iscertaine from teflimony of Scripture, fo it isevident from theprefent peaceofconfci- ence,which thefaithful! enjoy. Beloved (faith theApoille) nowweare the fans ofCod,andyet it dothnot appearewhat we!hallbe : but we knowthat whenhe(hallappeare,we!hall be like him : for (hallfee him as he is. The joyeswhich be prepared for thegodly,andofwhich theApoflle fledfafl- ly hoped to partaker, areas yet unfeene : but that they fhallaólually beaccomplifhed, is confirmed by the faithfull promife of God, whereof wee haveevident and full afill- rance. The Apoflle defcribing faith tobe the evidence of thingsnotfeene, doth it not todifparage the evidence, but rather to let forth the, excellencieof that heavenly grace, which includes anevident knowledge andapprehenfionof force things prefent, which theworld fees not. Faith altois in force fort an affent difcurfive, as from ma- nifeflexperiences ofGods works and favours wrought and vouchfafedaccordingtothewordof promife, theSaints in- ferre a poffìbilitie, or certaintieof like toenfue. Thus Da- vid, The Lord that deliveredme out ofthepaw of theLi- on, andout of thepawof theBeare, he will deliver meout ofthe hand of this Philiftine. Nothing is moreordinarie in theBookofthePfalmes, thanfor the fervants ofGod to I drawconclulons offuture prole&ion, deliverance,help,and comfort fromprefent or former blefsings. Icallto remem- , brance my fang in the night ; Icommune with mine owns heart, andmy fjiirit madediligentfearch. Wereceived the fentence ofdeath inour felves, becaufewe Mouldnot truft in ourfelves,but in Godwhorailed thedead.Who deliveredue fromfogreat adeath, & doth deliverus ; in whomwe truft, thatyet herea!terhe willdeliver ut. 1fervently look,for & hope, that innothingI (hallbe afhamed : but that with all C 4 confidence 1 Joh.1.2, He''IE'1' 4. Difcur- Jive. I sam.r7.; 7. Pr51.3^3. Ì31.47.G. 8 2 COr.1.9,10.