Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

ST PETER AND ST PAUL EQUALLY COMMENDED. 97 upon earth."' " Hewas the light of the churches, the foundation of faith, the pillar and ground of truth." " He had the patronage of the world committed into his hands. "' " He was better thanall men, greater than the apostles, and surpassing them all. "' " Nothing was more bright, nothingmore illustrious, than he."' " None was greater than he, yea, none equal to him."' Pope Gregory I. says of St Paul that he " was made head of the nations, because he obtained theprincipate of the whole church.' These characters of St Paul I leave them to interpret, and recon- cile with those of St Peter. 8. That the fathers, by calling St Peter prince, chieftain, &c., of the apostles, do not mean authority over them, may be argued from their joining St Paul with him in the same appellations, who yet surely could have no jurisdiction over them; and his having any would destroy the pretended ecclesiastical monarchy. St Cyril calls them, together, " Patrons or presidents of the church."' St Austin (or St Ambrose or Maximus) calls them " Princes of the churches."' The Popes Agatho and Adrian, in their general synods, call them " The ringleading [the coryphi of the] apostles. "' `55 y ..r,w Tñ; OlzoUfaiYnÇ, TÓ (Pw; TWV izxanerWV, g SEpeia fa; Tñç ,riv?aa;, o` ç'Úxo; zee; iapaiwpea T i; eavAEíaç. Tñv oixoupeivnväaaoav irsvzsipropaivo;. "Hehad the whole habit- able world committed to his charge." We aízoupeivns SrSdoxaxoç äY Toús 7411, yñv oixovvTa; äa ev ra; iarrpaatíç. "He was the teacher of theworld, and had all the inhabitants of the earth committed to his trust." 2 TS,, .r5 obeaupeiva; 9rpaa,r3ca.6v 116vzsrina721,w. In Jud. Or. vi. Tñç or'xoupeivn; Tñv apoeTaeíav iaraí5,aogar. In 1 Cor. Or. xxii. 03 ru aixoouivry äaaoav si; zsïpaç alma; Qipwv ËAnzEV ó eEí,;Tom. vii. p. 2. "Did not God put into his hands the whole world?" 'o cedes; oixouaivn; xpa.n'eaç. In 2 Tim. ii. 1 "He had the charge of the whole world." 3 ndvwv eidee;. .orvxpírv,v. De Sacerd., iv. Tiç e3, áadrwv dvApo'Ea, dizsivwv; Tiç Si 'trips; dxx` ii g oznYOaorÓ; inE7vas., 3 55ç oixoul..eivs; arpadexaxaç Ei vu',VY pe.EÌ aYa 3h daoOTg- X., xapeßáuE, pTí5avm, TG1V ai daaeTgxwv ieo; aVOE;Ç yiyavEV, 0ÚT,e ai ,,dzEíu, peE(ÿwv Enka,,. örr Tñr dvwTdrw daexaúe,Tar Truñç taai apoalpía;.Tom. v. Or. 33. " Who then wasbetter than all other men? who else but that tent -maker, the teacher of the world? If, therefore, he receivea greater crown than the apostles, and none perhaps was equal to the apostles, and yet he greater than they, it is manifest that he shall enjoy the highest honour and pre-eminence." naiaouxapapgEpov opiv e3 ì rippavio vpev.Tom. T. Or. 47. a oat ; ! íztítou 1eE1l;wv, dxx` 0Úaì (ea; 10,14.Tom. vi. Or. 9. oaasi; naöi.,,, %eo; 3,. _2 Tim. iii. 15. `0 adveoEßeç, g Tmv ixxa.neewv iip'a''e ' pz'TivTwv.Theod., Ep. calvi. "The most wise and best architect or chief builder of the churches." `o paaxdpraç dageraxa;, ó Tm'v aaTipwv war4.Just. Resp. ad Orthod. Qu. cxix. "The blessed apostle, the father of the fathers." e Caput effectue est nationum, quia obtinuit totius ecclesite principatum.Greg. h1. in 1 Reg. lib. iv. Videsis. Paulus apostolorum princeps.Ep. Spalat. in. Lat. Syn. sub. P. Jul. IL, sees. i. p. 25. 7 niTpaç zai naûxas, al Tñç ixxxn,iaç apooTdaar.Cyril, Cat. vi. s Ecclesiarum principes.Aug. de Sanet., savii. e Kopv0a7or áaeorgxwv. P. Agathe, in 6 Syn. Act. iv. p. 35 ; P. Adrian, in 7 Syn. Act. ii. p. 554. VOL. I. 7