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118 THE APOSTLES NOT BISHOPS, BUT FOUNDERS OF CHURCHES. .ocheans " remember Euodius, who was first intrusted with the presi- dency over them by the apostles."' Other instances may be seen in the notes of Cotelerius* upon the Apostolical Constitutions, where he makes this general observation: " It is a usual custom to mark the apostles according to their power, ordinary or extraordinary, episcopal or apostolical, by the titles of prelates, or to except them from these."' But it was need- less to suppose these two powers when one was sufficient, it virtually containing the other. This is anargument that the ancients were not assured in opinion that the apostles were bishops, or that they did not esteem them bishops in the same notion with others. 8. It is observable that divers churches took denomination from theapostles (" Apostolic ecclesiæ," Tert. de Práescr. xxxii.), and were called " apostolical thrones," or " chairs," (' A roeroX,zoì ip6vo:,. Soz. i. 17); not because the apostles themselves did sit bishops there, but because they exercised their apostleship in teaching, and " in con- stituting bishops there" (2 Tim. i. 6, who), as Tertullian says, " pro- pagated the apostolical seed."8 So was Ephesus esteemed, because St Paul founded it and or- dained Timothythere; and because St John governed and appointed bishops there.` So was Smyrna accounted, because Polycarpus " was settled there by the apostles," or " by St John."' So Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem, " had a controversy about metro- 'Av4roxh'v ix. X'wia; rpm'moç iziezoaoç ELZI,s Ix:n/<á4raç. Euseb. Chron., p. 7, gist. 111. 22. mv4peonN., -e Ei,lin', Öç aia14GV ivdxerpÌe/e Ú^AÓ mWV 2a00móXam úpumñpav rrpoemaoiay. Pseud. Ignat. ad Ant. Eusebius counts Annianus the first bishop of Alexandria, iii. 21. ' John Baptist Cotelier, professor of Greek at Paris in the seventeenth century, was a diligent collector of ancient writings, and wrote notes on these (pretended) Apes- tolical Constitutions. En. Celebris mos est apostolos pro potestate eorum ordinaria vel extraordinaria, epic- copali vel apostolica, indiculis antistitum praafigere, aut ex ils esimere.Cotel. Not. p. 299. 3 In canonicis autem scripturis ecclesiarum catholicarum quamplurium auctoritatem sequatur, inter quas sane illy suet, qua apostolicas sedes habere, et epistolas accipere meruerunt. Aug. de Doctr. Ch. ii. 8. "Let him follow the authority of those many catholic churches in the canonical scriptures, among which surely are those which had the honour to have apostolical sees, and to receiveepistles fromtheapostles." Proinde utique et caterae exhibent quos ab apostolis in episcopatumconstitutos apostolici semi- nis traduces habent.Tertull. de Prcescr. xxxii. * Sedet qua est Ephesi ecclesia a Pauloquidem fundata, Johanne autempermanente spud eos usque ad Trajani tempora, &c. Iren. iii. 3. " And also the church of Ephesus, which was founded by St Paul, St John continuingwith them till the time of Trajan," &c. Ordo episcoporum ad originem recensus in Johannem stabit auctorem. Tertult. in Hare. iv. 6. Tñç aì 'Eßío,u Tyeóth,s ¡cìv úaó naúxou, 'Imeí,nu lì úa' ìpc0v la,dvvou. Apost. Coast. vii. 46. s Ab apostolis in ea qua est Smyrnis ecclesia constitutus episcopus. Iren. iii. 3. Smyrnaorum ecclesia habens Polycarpum ab Johanne conlocatum. Tertull. de Prcescr. Euseb. iii. 36. Till zamá Bpeúpvav ixlanolos apóç 4av air0ammv, 144; áanpema'v 401i Kiy',u rev ìare%nanv ìyXex6rprep,í,,,s. Euseb. iii. 36.