Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

120 APOSTLES MIGHT RESIDE WHERE THEY PLEASED. Ephesus, there discharged the office of a metropolitan, " governing hurches, and in the adjacent churches, here constituting bishops, forming whole churches, elsewhere allotting to the clergy per- designed by the Spirit."' ch functions might St Peter execute in the parts of Rome or An- without being a bishop; and as the bishops of Asia, says Ter- n, " referred their original to St John," so might the bishops of upon the like ground, "refer their original to St Peter."' is observable, that whereas St Peter is affirmed (Baron. § 8) to been bishop of Antioch (An. Ch. 39) seven years before his s to Rome, that is, within the compass of St Luke's story ix. 32, xi. 20), yet he passes over a matter of so great moment; Jerome observes, " We have received by tradition that Peter he first bishop of Antioch, and from thence translated to Rome; h Luke has altogether omitted."' annot grant that if St Luke had thought Peter sovereign of hurch, and his episcopacy of a place a matter of such conse- e, hewould have slipped it over, being so obvious a thing, and ng in the way of his story. e, therefore, I conceive, was no bishop of Antioch, although a p at Antioch.' If, in objection to some of these discourses [arguments], it be ed that St James, our Lord's near kinsman, although he was an le, was made bishop of Jerusalem; and that for the like reason St Peter might assume the bishopric of Rome, I answer, (1.). It is not certain that St James thebishop of Jerusalemwas an apostle (meaning an apostle of the primary rank); for Eusebius, the greatest antiquary of the old times, reckons him " one of the seventy disciples."' So does the author of the Apostolical Constitutions in divers places suppose.' Hegesippus, that most ancient historian, was of the same mind, who says that "therewere many of this name," and that this "James did undertake the church with the apostles."' ' T,ìs airuî ór E7,'r v txxlnviaç . . . . ÓvouFtÉV i9rroxí9rov; xaTaam4aar Ö9rav Éxza.e- oias áppaáoav' Nrou ái xa.ñpá Lag 's Trvá za.npZcav Twv i9ró Toi Hvsúaaros en¡carvottivay.-- Euseb., Mist. iii. 23. 2 Ordo episcoporum ad originem recensus in Joannem stabit auctorem.Tertull. in Marc. iv. 5. s Penique primum episcopum Antiochenae ecclesise Petrum fuisse accepimus, et Roman exinde transiatum, quad Lucas penitus omisit.Hier. in Gal. ii. 4 It is the distinction of a pope : Rex Etruriæ, et rex in Etruria. Er; lì xai arras v ' Ospeakv v TOU oarñpas ¡cah rwv, áx.íá 1.46 'cal AO-0áv ;iv.Euseb. 1. 12. Apost. Const. vi. 12, 14, ii. 55, vii. 46, &c. 'Ht<,7; of louil5xa i¡ a TW 'Iaxúßa, &c., "We the twelve apostles, together with James." 7 ' ' Sfi AY Éxxa.noiety (.ourü T17iv á'XaoróXav Ó ürtx0?; To!! Kuyiou 'Iúxaß,ç. Euseb. ii. 23.