Barrow - BX1805 .B3 1852

INTRODUCTION. 15 enjoin to thee, that inTriers and Colen [Treves and Cologne] thou shouldst not suffer any bishop to be chosen before a report be made to our apostleship."' (Was not this satispro imperio?) And again, " That being compelled thou mayst be able to repent, know that very soon thou shalt be struck with the ecclesiastical sword, so that thou mayst be afraid any more to commit such things in God's holy church."' And this he suggests for right doctrine, that subjection is not due to bad princes, perverting the apostle's words to that purpose, [" Submit yourselves to the king, as supreme," 1 Pet. i. 13] : " ` Be subject to the king, as excelling;' that is," says he, "in virtues, not in vices ;"3 whereas the apostle means eminency in power. Pope Gregory VII. also alleges Pope Zachary, " who," says he, " deposed the kingof the Franks, and absolved all the French from the oath of fidelity which they had taken unto him, not so much for his iniquities, as because he was unfit for such a power."4 This, indeed, was a notable act of jurisdiction, if Pope Gregory's words may be taken for matter of fact; but divers maintain that Pope Zachary only concurred with the rebellious deposers of King Chilperic in way of advice or approbation, not by authority. It was pretty briskly said of Pope Adrian I. (anno 772), " We do by general decree constitute, that whatever king, or bishop, or potentate, shall hereafter believe, or jíßnit, that the censure of the Roman pontiffs may be violated in any case, he shall be an exe- crable anathema, and shall be guilty before God as a betrayer of the catholic faith.' " Constitutions against the canons and decrees of the bishops of Rome, or against good manners, are of no moment"6 Before that, Pope Gregory II. (anno 730), because the eastern emperor crossed the worship of images, withdrew subjection from him, and thrust his authority out of Italy. " He," says Baronius, Idcirco apostolicaauthoritate, sub divini judicii obtestatione, injungimus tibi, ut in Trevirensi urbe et in AgrippinaColonia nullum eligi patiaris, antequam relatum super hoc nostro apostolatui fiat.Grcrt. Dist., lxiii. cap, 4. Ut saltem compulsus resipiscere valeas, noveris, te citissime mucrone ecclesiastico feriendum; ita ut ulterius talia in S. Dei ecclesia perpetrare formides.P. Nie. L, Ep. lxiv. 5 Regi quasi præcellenti, virtutibus scilicet, non vitiis, subditi estote.P. Nic. L, Epist. iv., Append. p. 626. Alias item Rom. pontifex, Zacharias scilicet, regem Francorum, non tam pro suis iniquitatibus, quam pro eo quod tantm potestati erat inutilis, deposuit omnesque Francigenas a juramento fidelitatis quod iili, &c.Decret. ii., part. Caus. xv. q. 6. 5 Generali decreto constituimus, ut exsecrandum anathema sit, et veluti prs3vari- cator catholico3 fidei semper apud Deum reus existat, quicunque regum, sett episcopo- rum, vel potentum, deinceps Romanorum pontificum censuram in quocunque crediderit, vel permiserit violandam. P. Had. L, Capit. aped Grat. Caus. xxv. q. 1, cap. 2. 6 Constitutiones contra canones et decreta præsulum Romanorum, vel bcnos mores, nullius suet momenti.Distinct. x. cap. 4.