Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

1 ©0 A Funeral-Sermon on his Miniftry there. The Church was Old, and the People were apprehenfive of Tome danger in meeting in it : and while Mr.Bax- ter was Preaching, fomething in theSteeple fell down,and the nou e flruck fuch a terror into the Peo- ple, they prefently, in a wild dif- order, run out of the Churc ü their eagernefs to hafte away, p t all into a tumult : Mr. Baxt without vifible difturbance, down in the Pulpit : after the hurry was over he refum'd his Difcourfe, and faid, to co p ie their Minds ; We are in th elves vice of God to prepare our f l s, the that we may be leaders great noife of the diffolving World, when the Heavens ¡hall paß away, and the Elements melt in fervent vent heat ; the Earth al ò, Works therein (hall be burnt up. After