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IjeOttrium of Me Zíbítte2ittttbutc. , Chap. V. Man by fecuring his Honour, fo to reconcile Man to God byencouraging his Hope. Till this be effe&ed, he can never be happy in communion with God : For that is nothing elfe but the reciprocal exercife of Love betweenGod and theSoul. Nownothing can reprefent God as amiable to a guilty Creature, but his inclinati- on toPardon. Whilft there are apprehenfions of in- exorable Severity, there will behard thoughts burning in the Breaff againff God : Till the Soul is releafed from terrors it cannever truly love him. To extinguith our Hatred, He muff conquer our Fears, and this He hath done by giving us the not undoubtedand convincing Evidence of his Affe&ions. i. By contraaing the moft intimate alliance with i John 4.80. Mankind. In this God is not only lovely, but Loves and hisLove is not only vifble to our Underffandings, but to our Senfes : The Divine Nature in Chrift is joyned to the Humane, in an union that is not typical John I. or temporary, but real and permanent. The Word was Col. a. made Flefb. And inhim dwells the Fulnefs of the God- head bodily. Now as Love is an Affe&ion of ?anion, fo the ffriJteff union is an Evidenceof the greateft Love. fdeb. 2 TheSon of Godtook the Seed of Abraham, the origi- nal element ofour Nature, that our interefl in Him might be more clear and certain. He ftoopt from, the height of his Glory to our low embraces, that we might withmore confidence lay hold on his Mercy. 2. By providing compleat eatisfallion to offended juffice. The guiltyconvinced Creature is refflefs,and inquifìtive after a way to efcape the wrath to come. For being under the apprehenfion that God is an incenfed Judge, 'tis very fenfible of the greatnefs and nearnefs of thedanger, there being nothing between it andeter- nal Torments, but a thinveil of fleth. Now an abun- dantfatisfaffion is made, that moft effeftually expiates and