Bates - BT775 B274 1675

104 ° e Oarnump ofMM e íluÍne2atributc , vi. but the fenfe ofour own prefervation from a common Li--,,,,-N, ruin, raifes our joy to its higheft elevation. Thefill work ofNoah after his deliverance was to build an AI- Nonquia ve- xari qucn_ tar on which to offer the Sacrifices ofThankfgiving to quam eft fin- his Preferver. We fhould imitate his Example. cera voluptas ; T Sed quibus ip- Flow many Nations unknown to our world remain in fe malls care- the Darknefs, and Shadow of Death, now the Day- as, quia cerne- f rin from on High hath vilted us ? This f ecial Fa- re leave eft, p p Lucret. your calls for fpecial Thankfulnefs. Were there any qualities in us to encline God to prefer us before o- thers, it would leflèn our efteem ofthe Benefit. But this diftinguifhing Mercy is one of thole free As of God, for which there is no reafon in the obje&s on Quare ergo which they are exercifed. St. Auflin calls it, Profun- liiidatumerr,.dum Crucis. As the loweft part ofthe Crofs is under & i1h non da- tum ? Non ground unfeen, but the upper part is expofed to fight : mepigerdi- So the effeEis of Divine Predeflination, the fruits of cere, hoc eft profundum the Crofs, arevifible, but the Reafons are not within crucis. our view. When God divided the world, and chofe c%clamare i frael for his Heritage to receive the P romife of the poflumárMelfiah, and left the reft in thickand difconfolatedark- difputatione nefs, there was no apparent caufe of this inequality non poffum, for they all (prang from the fame corrupt root, and e- quam inagni qually deferv'd afinal reje&ion. Therewas no fingu- flea fiant lar good in them, nor tranfcendent evil inothers. The opera tea Domine! Aag. unaccountable Pleafixre of God was the foie motive of De Verb. Apo- the different Difpenfation. Our Saviour breaks forth pt. Berm. . in an ecflafe ofJoy, l thank thee O Father, Lord of Like Heaven andEarth, that thou haft hid theft thingsfront thewit and prudent,and revealed than unto babes; even fo Father, for fo it feer4edgood in thy fight. 'Tis the PrerogativeofGod to reveal the fecrets oftheKingdom MU. 3 `t to whom he pleales. 'Tis an aft ofpure Grace, put- ting a difference betweenone Nationand another, with the fame liberty, as in the Creationof the fame indi- gefted