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o_ e pArtnottrof ttzWibine 2Utrtbtztev, Chi v fon is the {jugular Ornament of the humane Nature, j. -ç whereby it excels the Bruits; fo in proportion Know- ledge, which is the perfeetion of the Underftanding, raites thofe who are pofeffors, above others that Ecclef. a. 13. want it. The Teffimony of solomon confirms this, Then ï far» that Wifdom excells Follyas far as Light ex- celleth Darknef . Andaccording to the nature and qua- lity ofthe Knowledge, fuçh is the advantage it brings to us. Now theDoltrineofthe Gofpel excels the molt noble Sciences, as well contemplative as pra&ick : it excels the contemplative in the fublimity of the Ob- je&, and in the certainty of its Principle. a. In the fublimity andgreatnefs ofthe Obje& : and it is no lets than the higheft defign ofthe eternal Wif- dom, the molt glorious work of the great God. In the Creation his footffeps appear, in our lfedemption his Image: In the Law his Juftice and Holinefs, but in. theGofpel all his Perfeéfions thine forth in their bright- elf luftre. The bare theory otknis inriches the mind, and the contemplation ofit affé&s the Soul, that is c'on- verfant about it, with the higheft admiration and the molt (incere and laftingdelight. Neque enim i. It afe&s the Soul with the higheft admiration. bet iñuamhujus The ffrongeft Spirits cannot comprehend its juft great- mareria:tra- nefs: the underffanding finks under the weight ofGlo &$atio putchri- ry. The Apoftle who had feen the light of Heaven, us, cum and had Inch.knowled as never any man before yet habearfutura uui, quam upon confidering one part of theDivine Wifdom, magn breaks forth in affonifhment, oh the depth ofthe riches fuâ dttiner, of the Wifdom andKnowledg ofGod! howunfearchable nec mercede are his Decrees, and his razespall' finding out ! 'Tis colitur. fed mi fit when we have fpent the ftrength ofour minds in the c. ere g confederation of this excelling obje&, and are at the end of our fubtilty, to fupply the de`e&s of our Lln- derftandings withAdmiration. As the Pfalnzii expref tes